Secret Underground Tunnels Past & Present Part 1: The Meso-American Connection
(c) 1996 by Dennis Crenshaw The Hollow Earth Insider Vol.3 #6
Over the past 10 or 15 years stories and rumors about government underground tunnels, bases and cities have dominated much of the talk and energy of those of us seeking the truth about things our government and others seem to work very hard to keep secret. . . .”
“. . . However, each time I read something on these underground activities one question keeps coming to mind. Why aren’t these modern researchers looking at the connections between today’s top-secret goings on and the tunnels that have existed inside our earth since before written history?
Many of today’s reported underground activities seem to be centered around some of the same areas that ancient excavations are known to be located; For instance, in and around White Sands New Mexico and the Four Corners area of the country. Before we go too far into this aspect of the mystery we’ll have to study a little of the true history of the Americas. . . ” Read Complete Report
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