THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Part 4: Prof Antony Sutton: First to Expose Skull and Bones,”How the Order Controls Education” and many other books on the Secret Government of the World

Educational Material

In the late 1980’s I received through the USPS a plan wrapped book from an un-existing Washington D.C address. Upon unwrapping it I found a copy of Anthony Sutton’s very rare (at the time) book “How The Order Controls Education.” (free online book)

After that I read everything I could get my hands on by this excellent researcher and writer.  Thanks to today’s modern tech networks and the work of many patriots we can read and watch much of Sutton’s work which had to be obtained through my underground network in the 1990’s and 1980’s. This is MUST LEARN information to anyone interested in the history of the controllers and their steps toward creating a One World Order. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:

Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero

Part 2 Eustace Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam

Part 3 Mae Brussel: The MOTHER all Conspiracy Researchers


Anthony Sutton  1925-2002

In Memoriam • Antony Sutton

June 17, 2002, a sad day for one and all…

Eminent researcher, author and friend
Antony Sutton — Tony — has passed on.

I received a call from his partner of many years this morning at 5:30 am. Tony had gotten up early as was his custom, Marlene heard some noise, went and found Tony on the floor and called paramedics, who pronounced him dead. When Marlene called me, she was waiting for the coroner and wondering what to do. So, she called me. . .  Read Complete Memoriam 


Antony Sutton – Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment (1984)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jan 7, 2017

Antony C. Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on the Order of Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment, Montana, February 28, 1984.

Skull & Bones: Bush and Kerry

YouTube ~ daweil

Photo: “The Tombs”, Skull and Bones Secret Society headquarters at Yale.


Antony Sutton – Skull & Bones, Harriman (D) & Bush (R) (1999)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Apr 21, 2017

Dutch documentary made in 1998/1999 by Daan de Wit and Helmut Schleppi for Evangelische Omroep (EO), with professor Antony Sutton, Anton Chaitkin, Stephen Mumford, Rodney Stich, Terry Reed, Jim Tucker, Webster Tarpley, Gerard Aalders, and others.
Topics: Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment, Monopoly Capitalism, World Monopoly, Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, Adolf Hitler, Trading with the Enemy, the CIA, Eugenics, Overpopulation, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Iran-Contra Affair, Oliver North, Mena Arkansas, Drugs Trafficking, Arms Exports, Bill Clinton, Cocaine Importation, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Conferences, Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix, Katharine Graham-Meyer (Washington Post), and more.

Antony Sutton – How The Order Controls Education (1984)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jan 7, 2017

Antony C. Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on how the Order of Skull & Bones controls Education, and creates Wars and Revolutions, Montana, February 28, 1984.



Wall Street, Nazis & the Bolshevik Revolution by Prof. Antony C. Sutton

YouTube ~Max Maverick

Published on May 15, 2012

Prof. Sutton published two very interesting Books: 1. Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler (1976, 1999 auch in Deutsch) and 2. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution 1974, 1999 auch in Deutsch) Here is an Interview with Prof. Sutton about that topis.
He also published books like:
Wall Street and FDR (1976, 1999 auch in Deutsch)
The War on Gold: How to Profit from the Gold Crisis (1976)
Trilaterals Over Washington – Volume I (1979; with Patrick M. Wood)
Trilaterals Over Washington – Volume II (1980; with Patrick M. Wood)
America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
How the Order Creates War and Revolution (1985)
he Two Faces of George Bush (1988)
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy (1995)
Trilaterals Over America (1995)
Online-Versionen als E-Book bei Anfrage erhältlich!

Antony C. Sutton – Psychotronic Weapons and Behavior Modification

YouTube ~ Breaking The Matrix Published on Jun 11, 2014

Astral Voices: Anthony Sutton: Understanding History

YouTube ~ Odyssey Podcast

Published on Jul 3, 2015

Antony C. Sutton 1925-2002

Antony Sutton was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and California. He became a United States citizen in 1962. He was a Research Fellow at the prestigious HOOVER INSTITUTE OF WAR, REVOLUTION AND PEACE, where he produced the monumental three-volume study, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development. Dr. Sutton was a prolific writer whose scholarly works include Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. His book, Trilaterals Over Washington was the first book to be published on the Trilateral Commission.

Sutton reveals the untold story of how a group comprising the very richest men in the world, located one block off Wall Street in New York (120 S. Broadway) in a building owned by General DuPont, secretly financed the 1917 revolution of Lenin and Trotsky. Then in his work, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Sutton details how this same group of monopoly capitalists financed and supplied both the leftist state of Russia and the rightist state of Germany and clashed them in war for profit.

Next Sunday April 7,2017,THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series Part 5:: Fritz Springmeier: The Bloodlines of the Illuminati, MK-Ultra Mind Control, The Inner Workings of Secret Societies and More

Dig a Little DEEPER:  Skull & Bones  

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