Last secret door of Great Pyramid ‘to be opened in 2012’, says British company

“The diagram [to the left] is from [Charles Piazzi] Smyth’s Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1877) shows some of his measurements and chronological determinations made from them.” . . .from Wikipedia


from Daily Mail UK

By Rob Waugh

Last updated at 8:27 AM on 14th December 2011

  • ‘Micro-snake’ robot to explore 8in shafts hidden in 4,500-year-old pyramid
  • ‘I am very confident we can resume our work in 2012’ – expedition leader
  • Will solve archaeological puzzle that has remained unsolved since 1872
The secret gates at the heart of the Great Pyramid may be opened for the first time in 2012, a British robot company believes – solving a mystery that has puzzled archaeologists since 1872.Scoutek UK had already begun exploring behind the gates earlier this year – and produced the first-ever images from behind the gates using a ‘micro snake’ robot. But the exploration was halted by the recent unrest in Egypt.Expedition leader Shaun Whitehead said, ‘I’m very confident we can resume work in 2012.’ . . . Read complete report
Here is the Great Pyramid diagram as envisioned by the secretive Max Fyfield. Max is the “unofficial” Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds Artist who drew the artwork featured in many issues of every Hollow Earth underground publication that was published in age of fanzines from the “70s until the Hollow Earth Insider quit our paper fanzine in 1997. Note the passageways outlined in red. Fyfield believes these to be undiscovered yet.  Note in particular the ones that lead to the Subterranean Worlds. Will further investigation prove him right? Would they tell us if he is? . .EDITOR


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