UT Austin sociologist Sarah Brayne spent 2.5 years conducting field research with the LAPD as they rolled out Predpol, a software tool that is supposed to direct police to places where crime is likely to occur, but which has been shown to send cops out to overpolice brown and poor people at the expense of actual crimefighting.
Brayne observed and interviewed more than 75 cops to get a picture of how the job of policing is changed by big data-based “predictive” tools. She found that the tools changed police from a law-enforcement agency to an intelligence agency, concerned more with surveilling people who had not committed a crime than to interdicting or solving crimes in the world. . . . Read Complete Report
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States, with nearly 10,000 officers serving a population of over 3.8 million. In 2010, LAPD needed an investigative platform that could be used to quickly find connections between disparate data sources, increase situational awareness, and respond to crime in real time. LAPD chose Palantir Law Enforcement as its data integration and analysis solution.
http://truthstreammedia.com/big-data-… The age of “big data” is reluctantly upon us, and it affects almost everything, as Bilderberg’s 2013 talking point suggests. Their secretive closed door discussion on massive stores of data, collected from the biggest portals on the Internet and analyzed in the pursuit of NSA objectives, is being led by Dr. Alexander Karp, the co-founder of Palantir Technologies. http://www.palantir.com/_ptwp_live_ec… Read Complete Description at YouTube.
Growing like the out of control kudzu weed, Palantir, a company started by the CIA, is growing so fast that it’s taking over the heart of Silicon Valley — Palo Alto. Palantir, creator of data mining software for the surveillance state, self-consciously references the “seeing-stones” from the Lord of the Rings. Like the internet, the stones’ original use was benign communication but they were used by the evil Sauron to spy on his enemies and see into their hearts as well. A perfect metaphor for the surveillance state.
Research 93 Society – CIA Palantir Peter Thiel D-Wave Quantum Computer
Fearless, Adversarial Journalism – Spoken Edition: How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Helped the NSA Spy on the Whole World // The Intercept produces fearless, adversarial journalism, covering stories the mainstream media misses on national security, politics, criminal justice, technology, surveillance, privacy, and human rights. A SpokenEdition transforms written content into human-read audio you can listen to anywhere. It’s perfect for times when you can’t read – while driving, at the gym, doing chores, etc. Find more at www.spokenedition.com
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