BANKERS WORLDWIDE Quitting Right and Left!
Do the World Bankers know something we don’t? Are the Controllers money handlers running scared? Do the Insider bankers know of the imminent collapse of the worldwide monetary system? You decide . . . Editor
List of Worldwide Bankers who have resigned
Thursday, 01 March 2012 12:13
Brandon Smith
It is a rare occasion indeed when the Federal Reserve is brought to task on a mainstream media outlet, but every once in a while, the veil is lifted and the McDonalds munching celebrity obsessed portion of the American public actually catches a glimpse of the truth. The independent media has a weakness, and that weakness is the slow process we have to endure to get exposure in venues and subsections of the citizenry that ARE NOT looking for a reality check. For these people, it is necessary to push certain subject matter into the MSM in any way that we are able. Here is one of those seldom seen instances…
from youtube
Anonymous – Fed Eviction
Dig DEEPER: Read my 1997 Research Report;“Who Controls Money?”
[…] Related Post: March 13,2012 Worldwide Banking Insiders are resigning in Droves – Federal Reserve Banker Fraud Exposed In The M… […]