For years we have been following the on-again-off again planned expedition to explore the north pole in an effort to locate the alleged legendary north polar entrance to inner lands. Well looks like its on again!! I commend Rod and Dr. Brooks Agnew for their years of dedication trying to put this expedition together. They have worked hard for this, good luck guys!
I have long stated that if there ever was such an entrance I believe it has been hidden by advanced technology for a long time; and hidden or not any modern expedition will be using the GPS system in their search. As we reported and documented way back in the mid-90s the government admits that they “tweak” GPS for civilian purposes. But beyond that, I personally believe that if there is a inner civilization they will not let you in unless invited or abducted.
That being said I still wish these modern adventurers all the luck in the world and I am with them in my heart because maybe, just maybe, our age old questions will be answered. At any rate, whatever happens I’m sure it will be an exciting and rewarding trip for those who go and am anxiously waiting to report on the outcome . . . EDITOR
Open E-mail from Rodney M. Cluff
Dear Friends,
I am forwarding this Ark Newsletter from our expedition leader, Dr. Brooks Agnew.
He’s got some good news, money has been provided to charter the ship for our North Pole Inner Earth Expedition for next summer 2013.
If all goes well, next summer we should be coasting up to the shores of the inner continent, and we will be taking photos all the way. Of course, there is no guarantee we will make it, or get permission to enter the polar opening, but we’ll give it our best try!
Best to you all,
Ark Newsletter June 2012
After six years of planning, meeting, speaking, traveling, and interviewing, we are finally ready to launch the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. What has taken so long? It took years to wade through the maze of phony money finders to finally talk to a source that has the capital and sees the vision that you and our team sees.
100 of the best scientists, film makers, and Earth explorers will journey by sea to a place not seen by civilians in more than 200 thousand years. You’re going with us by satellite stream for 15 days in the summer of 2013.
Don’t miss Coast to Coast AM with Brooks Agnew and George Noory JUNE 13th!
from NPIEE
North Pole Inner Earth Expedition
The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition is the Greatest Expedition in the History of the World!
Become part of History. Donate. The film record made during this expedition may be the rarest, most awakening ever produced. More than 40 million enthusiasts are following this Voyage. If you ever considered participating in a major feature documentary, now is your chance. Help us write history by testing the ultimate myth. We strongly believe that the films made from this venture will more than pay for the expenses to conduct it. We still have a chance to make this Expedition happen.
A major film documentary company has stepped forward and pledged the funds for the Expedition! This $1.5 million pledge gets the ship charter in place by August of 2012. The Expedition launches in July of 2013 on the last available ship in the world for this excursion. The only thing left is the expenses for the crew to get there and back, which is a mere $350,000. We can do this. 100 people get to go on the ship. Millions will go by live streaming connection. Be a part of it! . . . Go to website for more info, photos etc.
from youtube
Uploaded by Alistar666 on Jan 3, 2010
2012 & North Pole Expedition
Doctor of Physics, Brooks Agnew discussed possible cataclysms that may occur around 2012 . . . Continue
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I am very curious about the entrance and the hollow earth theory, i have over 10 years of military experience and have been to both iraq and afghanistan several times. if you are looking for security i would be very interested. death360@yahoo.com