Notes from an ‘Underground Insider”
posted: 6/15.20
by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR
Obama assured the Latino vote by once again throwing his middle finger up at Congress as he signed an Executive Order protecting criminals i.e illegal immigrants from deportation. Not only does this insure him most of the Latino votes in America, but it gives him 100% of the illegals who are fraudulently registered to vote . To use foreign criminals voting illegally is only one step in gaining a large block of voters. The second step is being led by Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder.
Eric Holder before the League of Women Voters in Washington, D.C.:
However, that does not explain why Holder just ordered Florida to stop purging their vote registration records of people who have died or who are not citizens and thus ineligible to vote.
Looking at the whole picture It appears to me that Obama and his cronies feel they need criminals, undesirables and raising the dead to win the upcoming election. I guess you could call this block of voters collectively, “Zombies for Obama.”
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