Returning back to the show last week was none other then my favorite guest of them all Mr Stephen Bassett of the P.R.G. With everything happening in the world he’s the main man fighting the good fight for disclosure.
During this segment we talked about what he’s been up to since the last time he was a guest on the show, and what we have coming up the rest of the year…
Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 65-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC) and executive producer of the X-Conference. His work has been covered extensively by national and international media. See PRG Media Coverage.
Since 1996 Bassett has assisted numerous organizations and initiatives working to 1) raise public awareness of the both the extraterrestrial presence and the truth embargo, 2) convene open congressional hearings to take government and agency witness testimony, and 3) incite the political media to appropriately cover the attendant issues. He has appeared in over 1,000 radio and television talk shows and in numerous documentaries speaking to millions of people about the implications and likelihood of “Disclosure” – the formal acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence by world governments.
NEXT on [INSIDE] Tha Jackals Head heard only on Psn-Radio
The show will air this Friday 22nd at 11pm est… LISTEN LIVE HERE!
STAN & LISA ROMANEK pay me a visit to promote their current convention! For more information on the show please click here
For information on the convention please visit the official site.
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