EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

Thoughts from an ‘Underground’ Insider:
Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious

by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

posted 6/21/12 – Midnight

As I have said here many times before unless we learn and retain what has happened before history does repeat itself.

Those of us who were around during the Watergate scandal will probably get a feeling of da javu over the next coming months.

RECAP.  Just before the re-election of Richard Nixon his “plumbers”, a group of thieves and undercover CIA operatives straight out of central casting, were caught breaking and entering the offices of the Democratic Party at the famous Watergate building in Washington D.C.. Their mission was to check their already installed bugs in the offices, install some more and search for any connection between the Democratic Party’s candidate George McGovern and Cuba’s Communist Leader Fidel Castro.

Tricky Dick used every trick in his bag including “”Executive Privilege” to delay the investigation until after the election. The main reason to delay was to insure that the “conservative” arm of the Controllers government could continue with their “right wing” agenda for 4 more years. Of course even after Tricky Dick resigned to keep from being impeached the Controllers “right wing” agenda continued.

Now it’s “Operation Fast and Furious,”

Thanks to a DEA whistle-blower the fact that the ATF was secretly and illegally  smuggling guns, or as they call it “walking guns”, to the drug thugs in Mexico was revealed.


from Fox News



But why did ATF agents do such a counter-productive operation you might ask?

Now don’t just flat out take what I believe as gospel … research the facts for yourself.  However, my research indicates there are two  main reasons for giving the Mexican Drug cartel’s that much firepower.

(1) It would help escalate the Border War being waged on the US/Mexican border to help advance the Controllers on-going plan to put in place a North American Union.

(2) The most important reason of all was to add fire to the “liberal” arm of the controllers Washington DC-beltway-conglomerate anti-gun propaganda war against the American people. When the Border Bandits start killing people on both sides of the border the cry would have been… “See guns are being sold into Mexico by Southern and Western state gun shops because of ease of obtaining guns and ammo in the United. States. We’ve got to stop this!””

All in order to insure passage of extensive gun control laws during the next four years of a “liberal” adminidtration. (Those who are educating themselves see this coming and are arming themselves before it happens like never before in our country’s history


from Sky News

Gun sales boom as firearm owners anticipate crackdown

Jun 19, 2012- 1:50 – Buyers worried about federal assault on gun rights stock up


from L.A. Times

By Richard A. SerranoJune 20, 2012, 1:30 p.m

House panel recommends Holder be found in contempt of Congress

WASHINGTON — The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform voted to find Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress for failing to provide subpoenaed documents in the flawed Fast and Furious gun-tracking case, just hours after President Obama asserted executive privilege and backed the attorney general’s refusal to release the material. . read Complete Report


Eric Holder, the controllers liberal “Attorney General” has held Congress off in its investigation of Operation Fast and Furious as long as he could, but its getting out of his control.

So on the eve of charging him with contempt of Congress, the White House stepped in and invoked “Executive Privilege”.   Sound familiar long time Insiders?

If history follows the past pattern things could get interesting in the next few months.  If the Controllers have accomplished what they wanted during this “liberal” phase of their plans I believe they will throw Obama to the wind. If not, when the facts about Obama’s birth finally come out some time after the election it will not matter to the elitist because just like Nixon he will have served his purpose to his handlers. Besides, this time the controllers  are hedging their bet.

if the Bilderburg elitist controllers and their pals have decided to swing over to the “conservative” part of their plan for a One World Order because of too much exposure, then it would not matter no more than a hill of beans.  Their “conservative” point man of their puppet show is, of course Mitt Romney an admitted ‘Rockefeller’ Republican. More popularly known today as a RINO.

Although it will appear to the uninformed that their vote had put the “right wing”  in the White House, in reality the rookie puppet, Mitt Romney thinks the same as their current puppet, Barack Obama.

from youtube

Watching what happens between now and election would be more fun to watch than the Keystone Cops if it wasn’t so sad and serious which, uh, rhymes with fast and furious . . . . Dennis


  1. […] DEEPER: EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR Category: Eyeballin' the One World Order / Tags: Arms Trade Treaty, ATT, D Day, dick morris, […]

  2. […] 6/21/12 EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR […]

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