Photo: Photo of Tommy Chong when he was interviewed at KUSI-TV In San Diego, 20 October 2006. CREDIT Philkon (Phil Konstantin) SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain)
from CBS News
June 11, 2012 12:12 PM
- By Lauren Moraski
- CBS News) Comedian-actor Tommy Chong has revealed he has prostate cancer.
Chong, part of the comedy duo “Cheech and Chong,” told CNN on Saturday that doctors diagnosed him about a month ago.
- Chong said his cancer is a “slow stage one” that he’s had for “a long time.
- The marijuana-loving Chong announced the news in an interview about decriminalizing marijuana use and sales. . . . Read Complete Report
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From FOX’s Geraldo Rivera: Ann Coulter Debates Cheech & Chong About Legalizing Marijuana – 11/16/09
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