We agree with MOST of the direction of this report, however we at THEI are for legalization of Marijuana. We have always stated that we believe the billions of tax dollars we have spent in the so-called Drug War to incarcerate pot smokers, then run them through the justice system time after time, could be better spent in education and rehabilitation. .We are also concerned with how the criminal record they end up with will be a yoke they will carry for life.
If you are a teen and you want to smoke weed please wait until after you turn 21.. I am a lifetime weed smoker (started at 20) and I have watched a lot of young people end up mentally screwed up because of early drug use.
Smart kids don’t do drugs. They wait until they are dumb adults . . EDITOR
from Bangor Daily News (Maine)
By Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON — As they approach their 40th birthdays, adults who smoked marijuana early and often in life face a higher likelihood of sheering off IQ points and performing more poorly on tests of reasoning, attention and memory than those who smoked pot less often, says a new study.
The latest research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, underscores what the authors call the “toxic effects of cannabis on the brain” — especially the developing brain. Against the backdrop of resurgent marijuana use among U.S. high school students, they recommend “increasing efforts” to “delay the onset of cannabis use” among teens. . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
How Parents & Teachers Should Talk about Marijuana to Kids – Narconon Vancouver
Published on May 3, 2012 by DetoxNarconon
CKNW News 980 radio: How to talk to kids about marijuana: truth about marijuana to tell kids. Marijuana prevention education for high schools in Metro Vancouver, BC. Tibor Palatinus Drug Prevention Specialist of Narconon Vancouver speaks about truth about marijuana. Simi Sara of CKNW interviews Tibor Palatinus about marijuana prevention . . . Text posted with video on youtube
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