Third-party candidates’ debate takes the spotlight (Video Report)

THEI will be following the third-party debates very closely. hopefully we will be able to feature them live and, of course, put them in the archive for future reference.  hope the MSM shows up. Probably not. They will be too busy trying to scoop each other on the nex outfit one of the wanna-be next first ladies will be sporting at the next $35,000 dollar-a-plate fundraser. . . EDITOR

from RT via youtube

Published on Oct 15, 2012


The 2012 presidential election is just 22 days away and many Americans have been inundated with campaign trail information from both candidates, but what about all the other presidential candidates? On Tuesday night, Mitt Romney and President Obama will go head-to-head once again, but a third party candidate debate is getting some much needed attention. Christina Tobin, founder of Free and Equal, joins us to discuss why she organized a debate for third party candidates and how the two party system is hurting America. . . . Text posted with video at youtube

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