from beforeitsnews.com
Friday, May 11, 2012 9:29
What are they up to in Antarctica?
Mysterious structures appearing at the bottom of the world are cropping up like mushrooms in a forest after a downpour.
What’s going on in Antarctica?
HAARP is going on: three competing superpowers are in a secret, breakneck race to be the first to control the world’s ionosphere.
Deadly electronic stranglehold on Earth
Many researchers delving into the Byzantine labrynth of the world of HAARP conclude that the network of ionospheric manipulators is nothing less than a diabolocal technology—a perversion of Nicola Tesla’s early 20th Century work—malevolant machines engineered for a dual purpose: to unravel the mysteries of the ionosphere and then hijack it.
The discordant harmonies of the HAARP war may be the causal factor behind mass animal deaths around the world; it may be creating eerie harmonics striking fear into people on several continents; and it could be causing maddening sonic attacks driving some people to the brink of insanity in England and Canada. . . . Read Complete Report w/charts. photos etc.