Photo: The Terrafugia Flying Car. The Terrafugia Transition, wings folded, drives past a house in the suburbs (Photo: Terrafugia) Source
I remember back in the 1950s one of my boyhood dreams was to someday fly around in the “flying cars” like those featured on the covers of magazines like, “Mechanics Illustrated”, Boys Life”, “Popular Mechanics”, etc., etc. Well it looks like that time is finally here. Suit me up. . . . EDITOR
from GizMag
By Brian Dodson
23:55 July 1, 2012
Six years after the initial announcement that Terrafugia, Inc. would develop a “roadable airplane,” the Transition has completed the first phase of flight testing. The flight testing, carried out at Plattsburgh International Airport in northern New York State, assessed the light sport aircraft‘s full performance envelope. The Transition prototype was reported to perform “exceptionally well,” allowing the testing to be carried out quickly.
The Terrafugia Transition is classified as a light sport aircraft, and is also designed to meet National Highway Traffic Safety Administration standards. In addition to working as a fine aircraft, the Transition can be legally driven on the road by folding the wings after landing. . . .Read complete report
The Transition(R): Driven to Fly
from youtube
Published on Apr 2, 2012 by TerrafugiaInc
From home, to the airport, to where you really want to be. All in the Transition(R) Street-Legal Airplane, all on super unleaded autogas, all on your schedule.