Featured Image: Flashing UFO clip art. CREDIT: ovnis-17. (Public Domain).
From Huffington Post By Lee Speigel Posted: 09/30/2013 6:26 pm EDT | Updated: 09/30/2013 6:34 pm EDT
A number of unusual glowing lights recently appeared in the sky near a smoking ship reportedly somewhere off the California coast. They moved in that dazzling way that gets UFO enthusiasts excited, lighting up the sky.
Then, one-by-one, the lights disappear in different directions away from the ship.
According to the YouTube poster of the video, looknowtv, these unidentified objects were “recorded in California from the viewpoint of the beach. You can see a few UFOs flying over or behind this ship which appears to have a large amount of smoke coming from it.” . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by looknowtv
Published on Sep 18, 2013
Ufo Sighting 9/2013 recorded in California from the viewpoint of the beach. You can see a few Ufos flying over or behind this ship which appears to have a large amount of smoke coming from it. Whether or not this Ufo sighting is captured during a fire on the ship is unclear. . . From Description Published With Video.
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