Search results for "Spying"

How Google is ‘SPYING’ on you

How Google is ‘SPYING’ on you: Firm’s voice assistant records and keeps conversations you’re having around your phone when you least expect it

  • Google keeps copies of clips made each time you activate voice assistant
  • It lets users talk to their gadgets to search the web and interact with apps
  • Background chatter could be enough to trigger this recording process
  • Examples have emerged of it apparently capturing snippets of conversation

You would be forgiven for thinking that your private conversations were just that, but Google‘s Voice Assistant could be recording everything you say.

The feature is designed to allow users to talk to enabled gadgets to search the web, launch apps and use other interactive functions. . . . Read Complete Report



Obama Administration Spying on Millions of Citizens: Fallout from NSA revelations

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

YouTube ~ End Times Prophecy News Published on May 26, 2017

Fallout from revelations of NSA’s illegal surveillance

YouTube ~ Fox News

Published on May 25, 2017

House Republicans call for answers; chief Washington correspondent James Rosen reports from Washington

Fallout from NSA revelations

YouTube ~ Fox News

Published on May 24, 2017

Reaction and analysis from the ‘Special Report’ All-Stars

Trump Must Inquire Today About CIA/NSA Criminality “Harvesting” Confidential Information

YouTube ~ Freedom Watch

Published on Jan 6, 2017

Trump Must Inquire Today About CIA/NSA Criminality “Harvesting” Confidential Information Of Judges And Prominent Citizens In Violation Of The 4th Amendment. Freedom Watch client whistleblower Dennis Montgomery has come forward to the FBI with this information under a grant of immunity.

Is your TV spying on you? For millions of viewers, the answer is YES!

Is your TV spying on you? For millions of viewers, the answer is YES!

Source: Newstarget  By: Jayson Veley Date: February 09, 2017



bigbrother SOURCE Mind Contol in AmericaIn 1949, author George Orwell published the now famous novel “1984,” in which he wrote about a “Big Brother” government that severely infringed on the rights and the privacy of the people. Today, with technology becoming more and more advanced and the federal government becoming increasingly intrusive, what was once just science fiction in a storybook is quickly becoming reality. . . . Complete report


Source YouTube ~ George Orwell Movie:”1984″

Dig Deeper: Big Brother ~ Conspiracy Boogie ~
Eyeballin’ the One World Order


Dad shoots down Drone Spying on His Sunbathing Daughter: UPDATED

A Louisville, Kentucky father is facing felony charges for shooting down a drone.

“I didn’t shoot across the road, I didn’t shoot across my neighbor’s fences, I shot directly into the air,” William Merideth said.

Shortly afterwards, police showed up and took Merideth into custody.

WRTV Channel 6 in Indianapolis has MORE


UPDATE! Dad Goes Free!

Papantonio: The Domestic Spying Program You Haven’t Heard Of

Featured image: magnifying glass – wood handle. Source: FreeClipArtNow. (Public Domain).

youtube by Ring of Fire Radio

Published on Feb 9, 2015

The domestic spying programs of the government are pretty well known by now – wiretapping, intercepting phone calls, data tracking. But there are some other spying operations happening that you probably aren’t aware of.

Dig a little DEEPER Archive  “Spying”

Ring of Fire Radio

SOPA/PIPA Sneakily Passed as HR 4681 Online Spying

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees

youtube by David Pakman Show

Published on Dec 15, 2014

–SOPA and PIPA are back in bill HR 4681

Digging a little DEEPER Archive “Spying”

Utah looks to shut down NSA spying center

Utah Data Center of the NSA in Bluffdale, Utah CREDIT: Tom W. Suicer, SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).

youtube by RT America

Published on Nov 28, 2014

Utah lawmakers are considering a bill that would severely hinder the National Security Agency’s ability to work at its massive data center in the Beehive State. The legislation directs municipalities like Bluffdale, where the NSA’s building is located, to “refuse support to any federal agency which collects electronic data within this state.” RT’s Lindsay France takes a closer look at the bill and how it would affect the secretive spy agency.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Domestic Spying”

NSA Spying on Your Cell Phone etc.

Featured Image: Cell Phone Tower. CREDIT Joe-Ravi SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

youtube by ConspiracyScope

Documents Prove NSA Spying on Your Cell Phone – SSG Joe Biggs

Published on Sep 24, 2014

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs discovers a document hidden among hundreds of open source licenses on the Samsung Galaxy that admits the NSA is spying on you at all times through your cell phone.

youtube by PresstvNewsCast

New documents released about NSA spying program

Published on Aug 2, 2013

The controversy around the NSA spying program is continuing to grow as new documents are coming to light. When NSA director, General Keith Alexander spoke before a security conference in Las Vegas, he faced hostility from the crowd

“NSA Spying”  “Edward Snowden”

Another Controller spy agency: CFPB Spying on Personal Financial Data

Featured Image: Logo of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

I love the names the controllers come up with for new unneeded agencies. And, don’t worry about these guys having all your credit card info . . . after all they  get their funding directly from the trusty Federal Reserve. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RT America

Published on Dec 20, 2013

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed to monitor 80 percent of all credit card transactions this year. That equals over 42 billion transactions on over 933 million credit cards.

Judge rules NSA spying program likely unconstitutional

From youtube uploaded by RT America

Published on Dec 16, 2013

A US District Court judge ruled that the National Security Agency’s spy program is likely unconstitutional and that the plaintiffs have standing to challenge the NSA on Monday . . . From description published with video.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “NSA Spying”