I knew a lady who worked for this family and was able to see this strange metal ball years ago. Fort George Island is less than 15 miles from where I live today. She once received permission for me to exanine it, but at the last minute they changed their their mind without explanation. I think they have since moved away. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
ALIEN WEAPON? The Mystery Sphere Of Jacksonville Florida
A depression huge and deep on Mars has left astronomers baffled.
It was discovered by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NRO), which has been studying the Martian surface for 11 years. The vast pit, estimated to be hundreds of feet across and surrounded by frozen carbon dioxide, is located on the south pole of Mars— sticking out among the Swiss cheese terrain of Earth’s closest neighbor. . . . Read Complete Report
As I have stated for 50 years it is my belief that planetary civilizations live inside planets and Earth’s outer civilization, man, is an experiment conducted by an Advanced Civilization that lives inside our planet to see if a civilization can exist on the outside of a planet for any length of time and what would happen to such an outer civilization placed here. Crazy Idea? Maybe so, but here is another finding that, well . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw (This site is not called The Hollow Earth Insider nothing)
Source pic: https://www.sciencealert.com/images/2…
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Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the space coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!
Windows into the abyss
Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of protecting Martian life, were it to exist.
See the picture in High Quality: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap070528.html
Must See! Planet Mars Has Something Moving Under Its Surface! 6/18/16
With today’s technology its hard to tell truth from fiction especially when it comes to photographic or video presentation. However after following the UFO revelations closely since seeing one myself in 1962 I feel that one day we will have disclosure.
I am sure that some of the reports in the following videos is are man made craft, phony or mislabeled. But there is so much here I feel at least some, if not all are truly “unexplained’. If I am right then I feel that by the mere fact that these crashes have slipped by the Controllers secret files that full disclosure could be near. But then it could not. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Finally 100% Real UFO FBI Proof – Alive Aliens UFO Crash Filmed By Cops – Extraterrestrials Are Here
For the best results watch on big HD screen, mobile phone screen will not show all the incredible details
All these things fell on earth from space – some were stranger than the others
But UFO that fell March 7, 2017 shattered all doubts about reality of Intelligent Aliens.
Real UFO Crashes Alive Aliens Recovered Filmed & Tell What Extraterrestrials Want. Ovnis.
The glory days of NASA are over! today the military industrial complex is marking towards world dominance through space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from space, it’s important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the space program.
This video tells the story about the history of the U.S. space program and reveals how the military has taken over the program in order to move the arms race into space.
China became the first country to “soft-land” on the Moon in nearly four decades on Saturday, taking the Asian super-power one step closer to putting a man on the lunar surface. . . . Read Complete Report
Featured image: Hand Carved Cave for sale. CREDIT: Artist Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving a network of 14 caves beneath the desert of Northern New Mexico. SOURCE:Web Urbinist(Fair Use)
If you’ve always dreamed about having your very own network of cathedral-like hand-carved caves (who hasn’t?) you’re in luck – such a dreamscape can be yours for less than the average cost of a single-family home in San Francisco. Artist Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving a network of 14 caves beneath the desert of Northern New Mexico with little more than a pick axe and a wheelbarrow, and one of the most impressive of them is now on the market. . . . Read Complete Report
Flying into space with Virgin Galactic currently costs $75,000, but a trip to the International Space Station aboard a Russian rocket will set you back a cool $30 million.