Search results for CIA Mind Control

Checking History by Looking Back: ~ Mae Brussell: The Son of Sam; CIA Mind Control (+) NAZI Connection to JFK Assassination

A woman before her time.  If you’ve never heard Mae you are in for a treat. If you have heard her back-in-the-day, you’re welcome. . . EDITOR

Featured Image: Mae Brussell on the air. SOURCE 

From youtube uploaded by FederalJacktube6

Uploaded on Jan 7, 2012

Originally broadcast August 15 & 22,1977

“Son of Sam”, David Berkowitz, CIA Zombie, LSD tests. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple moving down to Guyana (possible hideout for assassins?). . . . From description published with video.


Mae Brussell : The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination

Fourth-ReichEvidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy

by Mae Brussell (from the short-lived Larry Flynt publication The Rebel, January 1984)

1940-1945: The Nazi Connection to Dallas:

General Reinhard Gehlen

 The sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon its arrival at Washington National Airport. It was August 24, 1945, two weeks after the surrender of Japan, three months after the German capitulation. The general was hustled into a van with no windows and whisked to Fort Hunt outside the capital. There he was attended by white-jacketed orderlies and, the next morning, fitted with a dark-grey business suit from one of Washington’s swankiest men’s stores.

General Reinhard Gehlen was ready to cut a deal.

Reinhard Gehlen had been, up until the recent capitulation, Adolph Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union. His American captors had decked him out in one of their uniforms to deceive the Russians, who were hunting him as a war criminal. Now U.S. intelligence was going to deploy Gehlen and his network of spies against the Russians. The Cold War was on.

This is a story of how key nazis, even as the Wehrmacht was still on the offensive, anticipated military disaster and laid plans to transplant nazism, intact but disguised, in havens in the West. It is the story of how honorable men, and some not so honorable, were so blinded by the Red menace that they fell into lockstep with nazi designs. It is the story of the Odd Couple Plus One: the mob, the CIA and fanatical exiles, each with its own reason for gunning for Kennedy. It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22, 1963 when John Kennedy was struck down. And it is a story with an aftermath — America’s slide to the brink of fascism. As William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, put it in speaking of the excesses of the Nixon administration, “We could become the first country to go fascist through free elections.” . . . Read Complete Report


 “Mind Control”   “Lone Nut killers” 

 “JFK Assassination”   “The NAZI Connection” 

CIA Mind Control Experiments Declassified Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More

Image: Mind Control in America CREDIT: Stephen Jacobson

from Want to

Dear friends,

The tragic Newtown school massacre and many other heartbreaking mass murders in recent years have spread fear and panic among parents and the general public. Yet some are questioning if there isn’t more than meets the eye to these cruel and bizarre events. Is it conceivable that there might be a deeper agenda here? This essay presents undeniable evidence that secret government mind control programs have created assassins and murderers out of unsuspecting citizens.

The astonishing excerpts below, taken verbatim from declassified CIA documents, reveal detailed mind control experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored experiments. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD) – also called dissociative identity disorder (DID). These top secret experiments were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates
or super spies programmed to carry out assassination, terrorist acts, sexual favors, and more without conscious knowledge of what they were doing. 
The army of Manchurian Candidates created may have played a key, hidden role in world politics. . . . Read Complete Report


Stephen Jacobson is a personal friend and the man I turn to when I need up-to-the minute and real information about what’s going on with mind control in America at any particular time. . . EDITOR

Listen to this 8 minute clip of Steven from a recent radio interview.



THEI Archive ~ Mind Control

12/16/2012: Liberals Exploit Fear to Go After Guns Again. Surprised? (+) Alex Jones: Connecticut School Massacre Looks Like False Flag Says Witnesses (Video Report)

9/18/2012: Jonestown and Brainwashing; A US government funded project? (Video) & Jonestown: Final Report (Video)

8/19/2012: Irish heroine of Batman shooting spree drowns (W/Full Documentary: The James Holmes Conspiracy)

8/7/12: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO w/UPDATE Video Report

7/30/12: Part 4: Research Report: American Mind Control & the “Lone Nut Killers” (w/video)

7/30/12: Part 3 of the series:   Part 3: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Unraveling the Secrets audio)

7/28/12: Part 2 of this series: Part 2: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Video)

7/28/12: Part 1 of this series: Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

7/25/12:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)

7/21/2012: Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 Dark Knight Comic

7/21/2012:  FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 (video Report)

6/19/12: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)

Scientology, the CIA & MK ULTRA Illuminati Mind Control

Featured Image: This is a logo owned by Church of Scientology for Scientology. It is a historical logo. Its historical usage is as follows: Many scientology symbols have come and gone. The official one should be used at original resolution. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Fair Use)

From youtube uploaded by unenslaved2012

Published on Sep 5, 2013


Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Mind Control”

Operation Mockingbird: How the CIA controls the minds of the peons by GMS GreatMillStone

Featured Image: Northern Mockingbird. CREDIT: Ryan Hagerty SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain) FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY

By 1963 the CIA already had control of the press. Just in time for the “Lone Nut Killer” to take shape in some of the public eye as reported in the totally controlled press of the day.  But not everybody believed Walter Cronkite . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by gmsProphecySoup

Pt1 Operation Mockingbird

Published on Jun 10, 2013

200px-CIA.svgOperation Mocking Bird is the CIA project which led the take over of America mainstream media.

Operation Mockingbird was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence media beginning in the 1950s. Organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles in the 1950s, it was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became head of CIA. . . . From description published with videos.

Pt2 Operation Mockingbird

Published on Jun 13, 2013

Pt3 Final Operation Mockingbird

Published on Jun 19, 2013

“Freedom of the Press”     “Mind Control”   “Lone Nut Killers”

The CIA is Conducting a Massive Psy-Op Against Americans

The CIA is Conducting a Massive Psy-Op Against Americans

Published on Sep 1, 2017

Dig a Little DEEPER: MK-Ultra  CIA MIND Control


THEI Eyeballs: CIA Financed Palantir and their computer “predictive policing tool”

Case study of LAPD and Palantir’s predictive policing tool: same corruption; new, empirical respectability

Source: Boing Boing / Cory Doctorow / 10:13 am Fri Sep 8, 2017

UT Austin sociologist Sarah Brayne spent 2.5 years conducting field research with the LAPD as they rolled out Predpol, a software tool that is supposed to direct police to places where crime is likely to occur, but which has been shown to send cops out to overpolice brown and poor people at the expense of actual crimefighting.

Brayne observed and interviewed more than 75 cops to get a picture of how the job of policing is changed by big data-based “predictive” tools. She found that the tools changed police from a law-enforcement agency to an intelligence agency, concerned more with surveilling people who had not committed a crime than to interdicting or solving crimes in the world. . . . Read Complete Report

The LAPD propaganda about the program

Palantir at the Los Angeles Police Department

Published on Jan 25, 2013

Palantir: Welcome and Introduction

Published on Jul 15, 2013

Introduction by CEO of Palantir Dr. Alexander Karp Welcome by Vanessa Hood, Forward Deployed Engineer, Palant

Go to page 2>>>   Read more

Trey Gowdy Gets ATF Special Agent To Admit “Fast & Furious” Obama Administration Scandal!


We return to this story because we feel that this is the most despicable page in the united States history. It spanned two Administrations, those of Bush and Obama. Rick and I personally believe that Fast and Furious had nothing to do with tracing guns and nothing to do with the “War on Drugs”.

We know that from our years of watching the ever slowly movement of the actual elitist Controller to bring our great country to its knees in order to overthrow our Republics Freedoms and Liberties.

In a rational mind there is no lawful purpose for this operation. In what way did this further this Country’s phony 50 year so-called “War on Drugs”?

We have presented, here in the pages of THEI for over 25 years, the evidence of the REAL importers of these Killer Drugs and the mildly stimulant medical  hemp, or as their propaganda started calling it by the Mexican name “Marijuana” (for purely financial reasons) so that the citizens back in the 1930’s who knew the many uses of the herb hemp, which was a major crop of the farmers of that time, would not realize the government were taking away one of their most important crops which threaten the elitist families their their major money cows; pharmaceutical, big oil, synthetic cloth and paper products just to name a few.

The major importers of drugs into this Country have been exposed many times; The CIA, The Bush and Clinton Crime Families, and their Cabal of elitist crooked pals.

The Fast and Furious Gun Running Operation was implemented for only two reasons; to blame the legal gun merchants along our Southern Border for putting guns into their partners in crime the drug cartels, to further the Globalist’s continuing agenda of passing gun laws to get guns out of the hands of honest citizens and patriots so that if the citizenry ever wakes up to their major agenda of taking over this Republic to force us into a New World Order consisting of the elitist members of the Secret Societies as the rulers and we the people as slaves to their worldwide plantation had no means to fight back.

Second to insure the ATF, CIA and the other Agencies in their control more black budget money to further the Agenda by getting more Americans Addicted to their imported drugs so the can not do anything to stop the Controllers agenda, or, most likely will not care.

With this in mind we here at THEI will not rest until we wake up as many of our citizens to their many ways of manipulation to achieve their nefarious deeds. Fast and Furious was one of the worst.

Another point. When I decided to return to this most horrible government crime I searched YouTube for “Fast and Furious”.  It took me three pages to find the information. The first two and a half pages led to videos on the movie series about fast cars, “Fast and Furious.”  It’s more important to lead a search er to entertainment that to this most government disgrace.  Hide in plain Site. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

Trey Gowdy Gets ATF Special Agent To Admit “Fast & Furious” Obama Administration Scandal!

YouTube ~ Culture Shock TV  Published on Jun 14, 2017

Looking Back

Fast & Furious: How it went down 

YouTube ~ oversightandreform

Uploaded on Aug 20, 2011

Fox News’ Sean Hannity dissects the structure, anatomy and methodology of tracking weapons in Operation Fast and Furious.

8-19-11 Fox News Sean Hannity Show

Barack Obama’s Fast & Furious Assault Weapons Program

YoTube ~ The Attorney Depot™

Published on Dec 18, 2012

**Fight Censorship on YouTube**

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran a series of “gunwalking” sting operations between 2006 and 2011. These operations were done under the umbrella of Project Gunrunner, a project intended to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico by interdicting straw purchasers and gun traffickers within the United States. “Gun walking” or “letting guns walk” was a tactic whereby the ATF “purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers, hoping to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders.”

The stated goal of allowing these purchases was to continue to track the firearms as they were transferred to higher-level traffickers and key figures in Mexican cartels, with the expectation that this would lead to their arrests and the dismantling of the cartels.
Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the Mexico–United States border, and the scene of the death of at least one U.S. federal agent, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The “gunwalking” operations became public in the aftermath of Terry’s murder.

Fast & Furious: Overview of the Investigation

Continue on Page.2 >>

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THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Part 4: Prof Antony Sutton: First to Expose Skull and Bones,”How the Order Controls Education” and many other books on the Secret Government of the World

Educational Material

In the late 1980’s I received through the USPS a plan wrapped book from an un-existing Washington D.C address. Upon unwrapping it I found a copy of Anthony Sutton’s very rare (at the time) book “How The Order Controls Education.” (free online book)

After that I read everything I could get my hands on by this excellent researcher and writer.  Thanks to today’s modern tech networks and the work of many patriots we can read and watch much of Sutton’s work which had to be obtained through my underground network in the 1990’s and 1980’s. This is MUST LEARN information to anyone interested in the history of the controllers and their steps toward creating a One World Order. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:

Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero

Part 2 Eustace Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam

Part 3 Mae Brussel: The MOTHER all Conspiracy Researchers


Anthony Sutton  1925-2002

In Memoriam • Antony Sutton

June 17, 2002, a sad day for one and all…

Eminent researcher, author and friend
Antony Sutton — Tony — has passed on.

I received a call from his partner of many years this morning at 5:30 am. Tony had gotten up early as was his custom, Marlene heard some noise, went and found Tony on the floor and called paramedics, who pronounced him dead. When Marlene called me, she was waiting for the coroner and wondering what to do. So, she called me. . .  Read Complete Memoriam 


Antony Sutton – Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment (1984)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jan 7, 2017

Antony C. Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on the Order of Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment, Montana, February 28, 1984.

Skull & Bones: Bush and Kerry

YouTube ~ daweil

Photo: “The Tombs”, Skull and Bones Secret Society headquarters at Yale.


Antony Sutton – Skull & Bones, Harriman (D) & Bush (R) (1999)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Apr 21, 2017

Dutch documentary made in 1998/1999 by Daan de Wit and Helmut Schleppi for Evangelische Omroep (EO), with professor Antony Sutton, Anton Chaitkin, Stephen Mumford, Rodney Stich, Terry Reed, Jim Tucker, Webster Tarpley, Gerard Aalders, and others.
Topics: Skull & Bones, America’s Secret Establishment, Monopoly Capitalism, World Monopoly, Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, Adolf Hitler, Trading with the Enemy, the CIA, Eugenics, Overpopulation, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Iran-Contra Affair, Oliver North, Mena Arkansas, Drugs Trafficking, Arms Exports, Bill Clinton, Cocaine Importation, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Conferences, Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix, Katharine Graham-Meyer (Washington Post), and more.

Antony Sutton – How The Order Controls Education (1984)

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jan 7, 2017

Antony C. Sutton with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on how the Order of Skull & Bones controls Education, and creates Wars and Revolutions, Montana, February 28, 1984.


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THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #4 : CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Todays Fake News

THEI Eyeballs The Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #4 : CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake New’s


 THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA the Deep State ~ The Series

(Part 1) The War Against the Shadow Government Has Begun . . . THEI Editor Dennis Crenshaw ~ The Shadow Government/Deep State Explained

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination

(Part 4)  CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’  s Fake News

(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years



How the CIA Plants News Stories in the Media

YouTube ~ Posted by The Corbett Report Extra Published on March 22, 2017

It is no longer disputed that the CIA has maintained an extensive and ongoing relationship with news organizations and journalists, and multiple, specific acts of media manipulation have now been documented. But as long as the public continues to ignore the influence of intelligence agencies in shaping or even fabricating news stories, the agency will continue to be able to set the policy that drives the American war machine at will.

Politics – Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN

YouTube ~ Posted by Today’s Alternative News

Published on Mar 14, 2017

Today’s Alternative News Channel – Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN.

Our CNN insider had been out of touch with us for several days. We were starting to wonder what was going on, but in our latest communication, our CNN insider did confirm our biggest fears. The CIA is indeed attempting, with all their might, to control the message to the masses!

Manhatten NYC 019



CNN Headquarters sign in New York City by Dennis Crenshaw. You may use this photo in your presentations under Fair Use.





by voxfux

The chilling reality of our time is that our biggest enemies are within.
CNN is one such enemy.
The New World Order crusaders know that it is better to control people and nations with the scientific application of fear and lies rather than the more unpredictable and expensive methodology of bullets and bombs.
So forty years ago, the CIA’s, “Operation Mockingbird,” went into full swing. The goal of the program was simply to control all mechanisms of opinion – the print news, the public opinion polls and the television news media. Their thinking was, if you control what people think, you’ve won the war before it has even begun.
And they have been frighteningly successful at achieving their goal – Since the 1950’s all major news and polling organizations have, to one degree or another, been absorbed into the sphere of control of the intelligence agencies. Now, the hard truth, which is simply too fantastic for most people to believe much less even comprehend in the first place is that the major news media is in actuality, mind controlling, opinion forming, population control mechanisms, and little else.
CNN is such a mind control machine.
CNN Being wholly a government propaganda machine, an organ of the CIA, and indeed as claimed by many in the right as well as left, extraordinarily influenced to the point of near subservience to a Zionist political agenda (more so than any discernible American agenda),  . . . Read Complete Report

Operation Mockingbird CIA Influenced Media

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Nov 29, 2016 Operation Mockingbird was a campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, and was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network to help present the CIA’s views. . . . Read Complete Description

Media Lies (1995 SPIN) unauthorized footage 

YouTube ~ Posted by Conspiracy Insomniac

Fake News Network

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Mar 17, 2017
Satanic CIA illuminati FAKE NEWS Exposed!! This is as hardcore as it will ever get when it comes to proof you’re being brainwashed and lied to by the news media!

Denzel Washington Destroys the Liberal Media over “Fake News”

YouTube ~ Posted by MRCTV

SCRIPT – Top 10 Staged Media Events

YouTube by ThoughtCrime7

Fake News, Fake Reporters, Staged News, Blatant Omissions, Political Spins, War Propaganda and More!

Rulers In The Shadows

YouTube ~ Posted by XVII LXXVI

Published on Jan 21, 2017
Who Rules America?
Who Controls The U.S. Media?


Dig a Little DEEPER:  Controlled Media  Council on Foreign Relations 

  Federal Reserve Scam  Monsanto  United Nations  Skull and Bones 

Next Week: Sunday April 2, 2017 ~ THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA The Deep State #5 ~ Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

George Orwell’s Mind Control – BBC 101 documentary ~George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1954) ~ Full Movie

Feature Image: Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950),[1] known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is marked by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition t totalitarianism, and commitment to democratic socialism.[2][3]  Source: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

outube by CTForecaster

Mind Control – George Orwell BBC 101 documentary

Published on Nov 20, 2012

This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

The Real Room 101 – Documentary on George Orwell and Mind Control

youtube by Elke Lates on Mar 31, 2014

Animal Farm (1954) – Full Movie, George Orwell

Dig a little Deeper ~ Archive  “George Orwell”  “Mind Control”