Search results for Hollow Earth

Discover Hollow Earth

Featured Image: Volume II Number 6 of the original Hollow Earth Insider Research Report. Source: THEI Archive
For those who care my statements from this Discovery Documentary can be found at (1:26)(2:41) (3:38). The original Documentary is 2 hours long.. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
Discover Hollow Earth

Published on Aug 26, 2010

This special about the hollow earth is an interesting and objective introduction to the very real possibility that there is a civilization living beneath our feet. Is it possible that to find the truth we must look within?

Dig a Little DEEPER: Hollow Earth/ Subterranean Worlds

THEI 1990’s Research


THEI Eyeballs the Earth Part 1: Suppressed Science? Evidence of Hollow Earth? How About Flat Earth? The Tamarack Mines Mystery & Cyrus Teed’s Rectilineator

Educational Material

Suppressed Science?

The Tamarack Mines Mystery

By Donald E. Simanek

Featured Image: Tamarack Mine Shaft #2 (1902)


“The essence of the story, as usually told, goes something like this. In the fall of 1901 J.B. Watson, Chief Engineer at the Tamarack copper mine (S. of Calumet, Mich.) suspended 4250 foot long plumb lines down mine shafts. Measurements showed that the plumb lines were farther apart at the bottom than at the top, contrary to expectations. Thus arose one of the long-standing mysteries of science.” . . . Read Complete Report


Earth’s Center of “Gravity” – UP or Down (Tamarack Mine Shaft plumb lines DIVERGE)

YouTube ~ Steven Christ Published on May 26, 2013


Cyrus Teed, Koreshanity and Living inside the Earth

Wikipedia: The main beliefs of Koreshanity, or Koreshan Universalogy, are put forth in the many writings of Cyrus Teed and his followers. They are:

Cellular Cosmogony, which is Teed’s unique form of Hollow Earth theory which puts forth the idea that the Earth and universe are contained within a concave sphere, or ‘cell’. The Koreshans even conducted several experiments, similar to those conducted by believers in a Flat Earth. The most well known was conducted on the beach of Naples, Florida (the Koreshan Geodetic Survey of 1897), a town south of the Koreshan Unity commune at Estero, Florida. Here is the description of the earth from Cellular Cosmogony: . . . Read Complete Report

A LINE HAS BEEN DRAWN! The Rectilineator Documentary

YouTube ~ Concave Earth Reality

Published on Jul 17, 2015

Image: Cyrus Teed.

A documentary about the Rectilineator experiment conducted by Cyrus Teed and U.G.Morrow that proved the true curvature of Earth to be concave and not convex like most people believe. This is the time when the true shape of the world is revealed after centuries of lies and deceit. This documentary is made by Steven Joseph Christopher a.k.a. Lord Steven Christ. Music by Andreas Taraldsen. Please open your eyes and hearts, It is time


Image: The Original Recilineator being installed on the beach.
















Dig a Little DEEPER: Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds


Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations – Corey Goode

Featured Image: Deep Cave. Source: Desktop Download This Desktop Background “Deep Cave” In High Resolution For Free! Download Original Resolution



Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations – Corey Goode

YouTube ~ SphereBeing Alliance

Published on Apr 14, 2017

Corey Goode in Kona, Hawaii discussing the Inner Earth Civilizations and the Secret Space Program.

Dig a Little Deeper: Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds

Hollow Earth Theory MAJOR UPDATE: Inner Ocean Found!

This could be – no it is – the most important positive scientific discovery in my 50 odd years of Hollow Earth Research . . . EDITOR

Featured Image: “Earth like an Onion” (Fair Use) Artwork with report below.

Note the “extra” layer indicating “a ocean” added. Once again . . . the accepted theory will have to be changed whereas the Hollow Earth Theory only has to check-off on a stated fact. This ocean just happens to be where the Hollow Earth Theory claims it would be…. now if you add a little land. . . . and oh. What about the fact that the earth is nothing but a big water filter.  Where have you heard that before? Oh, happy days! . . . EDITOR 

ExtremeTech By on June 17, 2014 at 9:44 am

Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over

After decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they have finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle — a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within, as part of a “whole-Earth water cycle,” . . . Read Complete Report


youtube by PBS NewsHour

Secret ocean 300 miles below the earth

Streamed live on Jun 14, 2014

Conversation with Professor Steven Jacobsen – Geophysicist at Northwestern University on the latest findings by he and fellow researchers about the potential for a very large reservoir of water (in its molecular form) 400-600 kilometers beneath the earth.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive

“Accepted Scientific Evidence supporting The Hollow Earth Theory”

Hollow Earth : Stuff they don’t want you to know (Video Report)

Featured Image: The World famous “Hollow Earth” diagram and map from Max Fyfield. Used with Permission.

From youtube uploaded by NWOTruthChannel  on Jun 12, 2013

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “The NAZI Connection”

Dig EVEN DEEPER ~ Early Research of Dennis Crenshaw EDITOR


THEI Vol. 4Featured Image: Cover of Volume IV #1 (Jan-Feb 1997) of the snail-mail ‘fanzine “The Hollow Earth Insider”. Cover drawn for this issue by “Van Aulen”. 


1996: Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctic Expedition and the Mysterious Snow Cruiser 

1993: Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and the Quest for the Inner Passage Part 1

1997: The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact or Fiction?




Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know”

The Hollow Earth Insider reaches 1 mil Hits for 2013!

PRESS Release!


THEI1 9.5.13-4




  OCTOBER, 5, 2013

THEI 9.5.13-2









Volume 1 Original HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER Cover 1992-1993

Started with 10 Subscribers

Go DEEPER for early research reports

THEI Vol. 1

ATTENTION Hollow Earth Researchers ~ Faint Young Sun: Scientists struggle to understand how early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water

Featured Image: CREDIT: Max Fyfield. The world’s most famous Hollow Earth Diagram. Used with Max Fyfield’s permission.

Of course those of us who have been able to study Earth Science without the restraints of the establishment controlled “scientific” community, without using their bad science, will want to look into the influence of the small center sun’s heat during these early days. . . EDITOR

From Science News Web edition: April 18, 2013
Print edition: May 4, 2013; Vol.183 #9 (p. 30)

Here’s a climate puzzle — one that goes back to Earth’s infancy some 4.5 billion to 2.5 billion years ago. The sun was much dimmer back then. Far less solar radiation reached the planet. Earth should have been a frozen wasteland. But all geologic signs point to a young planet awash in liquid water, with the first life-forms emerging. Scientists call this conundrum the “faint young sun paradox.” . . . Read Complete Report

Rick Osmon: Strange Reality: Physics of the Hollow Earth – FREE MOVIE

Featured Image: Hollow Earth Diagram: CREDIT Max Fyfield. Used with permission

From youtube uploaded by RealityEntertainment

Published on May 23, 2013

While Man has spared no expense to explore the Heavens, we know precious little about what’s right beneath our feet. The beginnings to unlocking that mystery starts with the discussion of whether the Earth is solid or hollow. If it’s hollow, as many physicists believe, that fact has profound implications for our future. The key to endless energy may be in that void in the center of the planet. Lost civilizations may be down there as well as the literal Heavens and Hells of our great religions. Is there a vast, secret, long-forgotten cave system through the Earth? Could this labyrinth still be in use, or capable of use? What exactly is down there?

Hollow Earth Support?: Plasma in space experiment (English subtitles)

Featured Image: Plasma lamp. CREDIT: Luc Viatour  SOURCE Wikipedia (Public-Domain)

Submitted by a long time THEI Correspondent


 OVER 99% of the known Universe is PLASMA (The 4th State of Matter)
If the SUN could be HOLLOW….so could the Planets (that have Central Suns).
Russian Plasma Experiment in Space Redefines ‘Reality’ – Down the Rabbit Hole…oops, that’s not a ‘hole’


Plasma in space experiment (English subtitles)

Published on Dec 4, 2012

Scientists experiment with plasma in zero-gravity, vacuum conditions. Tiny particles are suspended in the plasma so the structure can be observed.



Scientists experiment with plasma in zero-gravity, vacuum conditions.
Tiny particles are suspended in the plasma so the structure can be observed.
“From plasma crystals and helical structures towards inorganic living matter”.
The micro-gravity environment does allow for more accurate study of plasma dust-grain behaviour.
A scientist from The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science ‘locked’ himself in his office for 3 weeks trying to understand what was presented – at 2:33 minutes in this video – to him in this experiment.
It is a Russian experiment with plasma and dust particles conducted out in space.
The experiment structured a ‘black hole’.
Why was it so difficult for this man of science to come to terms with?
With the adherence to a ‘mechanical universe’ model, what is presented in this video concerning a ‘black hole’ may be difficult to understand properly for any of us. Why? Because, what is being viewed is not a ‘hole’. It is not a ‘doorway’, it is not a ‘portal’, it is not a ‘gateway’…it is not a ‘hole’.It is an area in reality that is ‘non-material’. There are no particles within it. There is NO movement within it.You are literally seeing the non-material, which to material observations is completely ‘invisible’. What the man from Planck was shown is direct evidence that forces which are invisible within our material dimension will form designs from the particles that are shaped into a design that literally appears to be a hole in the ‘fabric’ of material reality.
Again, though, it is not a hole. It is an area of material reality where there is no movement, no particles, and therefore – to our ‘senses’ – the area is ‘invisible’ as there is nothing material to see.This ‘non-material structure’ can shape material structures (plasma and dust particles in this instance).

Wait…whu?That’s right…our non-material reality has the ability, with ‘invisible forces’, to shape our material reality.
It – the non-material – is the foundation of the structure/function of our material reality.
1 = 0      * The ALL and The No-Thing (no other things)  
So creation comes from the void.  God IS Nothing.This stuff is so deep. It is like new ways to look at reality that the human mind struggles with. We think that there is a hole, but it’s not a hole. It is still right there within our reality…no inside, no ‘down’ into the hole, etc.
It is still the same exact ‘place’ of aether, they are just accessing a different way of perceiving that area of aether – of the fabric of reality.

It is like perceiving different layers of reality that exist in the same place. And the layers have different rules for structure/function of energy. If the structure/functions of an area of energy begin following the rules of a different layer, it begins perceiving and interacting with that different layer. The layers are all superimposed within each other. Specific structure/functions of energy determine which layer is perceivable. But, rules within the layers prevent types of ‘existence’ from manifesting specific structure/functions of energy within certain layers.
Awesome stuff. Welcome to the new paradigm.

Maybe, the interior of the sun is similar to what we are seeing in this experiment.

     HOLLOW !
Imagine this experiment if the plasma/dust particles were not formed along a horizontal plane. What would happen? It would form a sphere with the plasma and dust particles completely surrounding where the ‘hole’ (sphere) is
In other words, you would not be able to see through the plasma/dust shell to see that the interior is actually an area of non-materiality…or, our little perceptual viewing of a place in space that is invisible to our material/mechanical senses…the non-material. Though we can see the effects of these non-material ‘forces’ (I think there are two foundational ones), we cannot see the cause of the effects which we can see.
Maybe those hollow-earth people are right after all. Or at least the concept is possible.

Hollow Earth/Subterranean Worlds Revisited: ATHANASIUS, UNDERGROUND

Illustration of Mount Vesuvius into which Kircher climbed, featured in Mundus Subterraneus. (Public Domain)

From The Public Domain Review


With his enormous range of scholarly pursuits the 17th century polymath Athanasius Kircher has been hailed as the last Renaissance man and “the master of hundred arts”. John Glassie looks at one of Kircher’s great masterworks Mundus Subterraneus and how it was inspired by a subterranean adventure Kircher himself made into the bowl of Vesuvius.
Just before Robert Hooke’s rightly famous microscopic observations of everything from the “Edges of Rasors” to “Vine mites” appeared inMicrographia in 1665, the insatiably curious and incredibly prolific Jesuit scholar Athanasius Kircher published what is in many ways a more spectacular work. Mundus Subterraneus (Underground World), a two-volume tome of atlas-like dimensions, was intended to lay out “before the eyes of the curious reader all that is rare, exotic, and portentous contained in the fecund womb of Nature.” There is an “idea of the earthly sphere that exists in the divine mind,” Kircher proclaimed, and in this book, one of more than thirty on almost as many subjects that he published during his lifetime, he tried to prove that he had grasped it. . . . Read Complete Report w/Photos

Flikr Slide Show of drawings from the book: