We open with a 1954 propaganda film of a robot invasion from outer space.
Given the controllers high priority, fast track, race to replace humans with robots and the present situation of a Government run a-muck this Robot Invasion, or a similar incident, could very well become a future ‘false flag’ incident. I’m just saying.
But never mind that, just set back with your favorite whatever and enjoy a classic move and then move on to more serious drive-in propaganda, and finishing up with the classic superb documentary “The Atomic Cafe”. . . EDITOR
youtube by Cisco Alejandro
Target Earth 1954 Richard Denning, Kathleen Crowley, Virginia Grey
Newsreels of the day mixed distraction “entertainment “babel with political propaganda to a captive audience. . . EDITOR
youtube by Journal TV Uploaded on Feb 7, 2011
Journal TV – Almanac Newsreels – Year in Review: 1950
THEI Public Service Educational Presentation . . . EDITOR
Propaganda Techniques – 1950
Educational film to teach viewers about the dynamics of propaganda, made in the in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s.
One of the defining documentaries of the 20th century, THE ATOMIC CAFE (1982) offers a darkly humorous glimpse into mid-century America, an era rife with paranoia, anxiety, and misapprehension.
Whimsical and yet razor-sharp, this timeless classic illuminates the often comic paradoxes of life in the “Atomic Age,” while also exhibiting a genuine nostalgia for an earlier and more innocent nation. . . . Read Complete Description.
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Drive-in Memories”
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