Propaganda is Entertainment Series:
Part 1: The “Magic World” of Walt Disney
Part 2: Part 2 Operation Hollywood
25 year CIA and FBI vet doesn’t watch t.v.
Mudd admits he doesn’t watch t.v. because it “turns your brain to cotton candy”… why would he say that unless it’s completely true? Did he learn of mind control techniques?
YouTube ~ jcarroll5006
YouTube ~ donterrer
Illuminati Black MagiK Television Tricks REVEALED!!
YouTube ~ The Black Child
Subliminal mind control of the masses.
Total Breakdown of The Media’s Use of NLP & Mind Control
YouTube ~ Dismantle The Matrix
Jonathan Adampants gives a full in-depth analysis of the mind manipulation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques utilised by Fox News anchors Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes during an interview with Kevin Barrett about 9/11.
Jonathan Adampants’s blog on Subliminal Manipulation: http://subliminalmanipulation.blogspo…
Dig a Little DEEPER: “Television”
Next: Propaganda is Entertainment, Entertainment is Propaganda : Music
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