from youtube
Uploaded by williamwagener on Apr 6, 2011
the LAWFUL “de jure Grand JURY” of 23, 25 free men of the Shire, Must meet, take evidence, vote to indict, and ISSUE a TRUE BILL OF INDICTMENT. THAT is what is missing from from this video. Do it RIGHT, Roger may have, but he should have given the SHERIFF of the Shire [ or county ] first option to come with the crowd and effectuate the ARREST. IF the Sheriff refuses, then Roger can have a Shire, or County Militia, ARMED , go arrest the JUDGE, and take him to the jail for booking. Of course, the Arrested Judge, has a right to bail, to see the TRUE BILL of INDICTMENT.
several dozen filed into the Treasonous Judges courtroom, and announced the ARREST of the sitting Treasonous JUDGE, 2 men moved forward to seize the judge and Bailiffs interfere with the Lawful Arrest under Section 61 of the Magna Carta. . . . Text posted with video on youtube
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