Tag Archive for illuminati

Real End of the World 2012? Illuminati Conspiracy Predictions (Full Documentary)

Is anyone paying attention? Or are most of us more concerned with Dancing With Stars and the X Factor? . . . EDITOR

from Before its News

Thursday, October 4, 2012 1:27

Download this video for free at Doomsdaytube.Com

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Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

This will be the first in a series of Articles, links to source material on the web, Guest Researchers opinions and more as we at THEI start our own Research into the question, “Was the Batman Movie Massacre planned and executed by “Lone Nut” James Holmes?”  Or was this a planned “False Flag” black project operation. All part of the plan to further the conspiracy by the Shadow Government to  push stiffer gun laws on the people by using the sympathy of a shocked country.  They need to put this gun removable agenda on a front burner in case the liberal’s lose their turn at moving the government of the U.S. away from a Constitutional Republic.

Of course,  the Republican’s have their own agenda when they are “in charge.” EDITOR

from Veterans Today

America, the Society of Deception, Hard Evidence of Mass Mind Control

Friday, July 27th, 2012 | Posted by 

Evidence on Why Americans Are So Gullible

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

[Editors Note: Warning….If any of you are suffering from depression or taking strong medication to control such, read this article on the buddy system, with someone in the room with you.  The following material we expect to be found extremely unpleasant to just about every sane person.

But part of why we are doing this is the Iran attack WWIII moves are proceeding along quite smoothly with no real push back from what could be ‘described’ as a free people. So I will end with that hint…and Gordon will do the rest, as he does so well…Jim Dean] . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 

Is James Holmes a “lone gunman”, or could he be a mind controlled assassin created by the government (Illuminati) for political purposes? Eric Holder and the “Justice Department” (rofl) got busted with the “Fast and Furious” scandal (giving guns to Mexican Cartels) in hopes to tighten gun laws in America (research it). Additionally, we have seen this type of “madman” emerge many times in the past. Remember the “underwear bomber”?? The kid was strapped with a cheesy smoke bomb in his pants, led to the head of the line by a “business man” (as recollected by several passengers) and then taken down once the smoke bomb went off (and of course, the very next day we saw how the governmnet began pushing for TSA in ALL of our airports). Beginning to see the big picture? Check this out! And decide for yourself.

UPDATE 7/28/2012

from youtube

The James Holmes shooting conspiracy

Published on Jul 27, 2012 by 

AVTM #76 Boycott Hollywood!
To hear the full podcast: http://adamvstheman.com/podcast
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Go a little DEEPER:
July 25 2012:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)


June 19 2012: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)


Global Control Matrix Revealed

from Pakalert Press

Posted by on May 10, 2012

Who really runs the world? Part II

Isn’t it amazing that in 2012 the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Rothchilds have literally become household words?! Virtually any website that is not considered mainstream media (MSM) may have at least one reference to one of these mysterious entities which comprise the Global Control Matrix.

Truly, the internet has encouraged the widespread and rapid dissemination of what was once considered either secret or highly privileged information. Even the US Federal Government is now known to be completely subservient to and under the command of an international crime syndicate and ultra-secret cabal which functions as a Shadow Government.

Let’s revisit Law #7 from Part I of this series:

Law #7
At its very core, life on planet Earth is nothing more than a test. The Global Control Matrix, which is directed by those at the peak of worldly power, assists in maintaining a system of planetary control whereby no one can ever get away with anything. This highly controlled system has its own rules and regulations, some of which seem to be totally unreasonable, irrational, and downright crazy. Others seem purposefully destructive, divisive and self-defeating. Still others appear to be completely unjust, discriminatory and unfair.

Welcome to the Global Control Matrix!

In our lifelong quest to identify just who-it-is (TPTB) that is running the show down here, many do seem to lose sight of the most important laws of all. True worldly power never reveals itself, and it always acts in absolute secrecy. In light of these two inviolable laws, let’s consider the following.

Secret Societies, Secret Orders and Rich & Powerful Controllers . . . Read Complete Report

The hacking group Anonymous claims to have info on UFO and alien life or not

the Examiner



The controversial hacker group Anonymous appears to have moved past its role of hacking into government systems. Now the group has supposedly released a video that says “we are not alone.” In the coming weeks, they are said to be planning to release evidence of extra terrestrial beings that have been on the planet Earth since the early 1900s. The group’s posting said that the “truth” of the aliens are much more intricate than simple UFOs and flying saucers. Apparently within a few days Anonymous will release information about aliens interacting with mankind.

The message from the group said, “Greetings citizens of the world. We now have the knowledge of the illuminati and we will share this information with you. . . . read complete report