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Update on “Patriot” Act Renewal

Campaign for Liberty

8:16 PM (26 minutes ago)



Dear Dennis,We did it!. . . for now.Earlier tonight, the Senate rejected cloture on the USA Freedom Act, which at the time of the vote still renewed key and controversial provisions of the so-called “Patriot” Act and the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act.

This is yet another blow to the security statists, who tried to get their extensions through without being dragged into a public debate over how much the “Patriot” Act has infringed on our liberties.

And this victory is only thanks to grassroots voices like yours!

But we’re not done yet.

The bill could still be brought back up at any time with an extension of these provisions.

So please keep contacting your senators at 202-224-3121 and urging them to oppose every vote on the USA Freedom Act unless any extensions of sections 215 and 206 of the “Patriot” Act and Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act are removed.

Campaign for Liberty has been leading the charge to rein in the national surveillance state, but it must be done without putting another stamp of approval on Constitution-shredding legislation such as the “Patriot” Act or the status quo.

Thank you for all you do in defense of liberty!

In Liberty,

John Tate

 Vote for Liberty with a little cash . . . EDITOR 


Because of Campaign For Liberty’s tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).



Robots Replacing Humans: Trendies Want to End Human Driving

Featured Image: A Toyota Prius modified by Google to operate as a driverless car. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel Published on Nov 1, 2014

Dig a little deeper ~ Archive “Robot Cars” Robots Replacing Humans

Robots Replacing Humans: Artificial intelligence that imitates children’s learning

From Science Daily September 23, 2014

University of Gothenburg
The computer programs used in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) are highly specialized. They can for example fly airplanes, play chess or assemble cars in controlled industrial environments. Scientists have now created an AI program that can learn how to solve problems in many different areas. The program is designed to imitate certain aspects of children’s cognitive development. . . . Read Complete Report

Mental Floss List Show: 35 Jobs That No Longer Exist

Featured Image: Lamplighter from Library of Congress, American Memory website (PuBlic Domain)

youtube by Mental Floss

Published on Sep 17, 2014

A weekly show where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. This week, Elliott Morgan hosts and tells us about jobs that no longer exist!

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Distractions” 

It Started as a Small Sinkhole but What Archaeologists Ended Up Finding Is a Fascinating Bit of History

Featured Image: Cedar Rapids skyline CREDIT :Iowahwyman SOURCE: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0


Earlier this summer, an inspector was conducting a routine bridge check when a small sinkhole was spotted nearby. This hole would lead to a larger investigation that ultimately revealed more than a dozen 150-year-old caves that were used to make what is a favored drink in America today — beer.

beer-cave3 SOURCE 2013 01 signage_beer-cave3

According the Cedar Rapids Gazette, up to 14 beer caves dating back to the mid-1800s were identified after the initial look into the sinkhole revealed there was more to it. The caves were used to age beer made by breweries at the time and keep the beverage cold, the newspaper reported. . . . Read Complete Report

Image: Beer Cave. Get this sign and more at Inkey Beer “How To Decorate Your Homebrew Cave: Part 1 (The Walls)


Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Sinkholes”  “Caves”

Illuminati Plan for Order out of Chaos

Featured Image: The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler 

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Aug 20, 2014

Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo interviews Author Fritz Springmeier who discusses the Illuminati’s hidden hand in the crisis taking place all over the world and more.

Fritz, a personal friend, was a frequent contributor to the original hard copy Hollow Earth Insider during the 1990’s. His researcher into the bloodline of the family members of the Illuminati is the most detailed and documented of anything available . As to how good his information is. . . he was framed for bank robbery and spend considerable time in prison. That should answer that question for those who are knowledgeable.

It’s Great to see him back and to be continuing his fight.  ALL of his books are excellent and highly recommended. . . EDITOR

Fritz Springmeier — Free books and videos

Keys To Defeat U.N. Agenda 21

Featured Image: Cover of Agenda 21 plan. SOURCE: United Nations website.


From United Nations website: “Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992 Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” Read Complete Official UN document.

youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Sep 12, 2014

Alex invites Rosa Koire author of Behind the Green Mask…
to disclose how Agenda 21 is being used to create compact cities and how to defeat this monster that is invading our lives.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: Agenda 21

William Cooper Predicted 9/11 (June 28,2001)

Featured Image: William Cooper. SOURCE: Unknown (Fair Use)

youtube by ConspiracyScope

Published on Sep 10, 2014

Bill Cooper’s “9/11 prediction” about a false flag terror attack by the New World Order that would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden [on June 28 ,2001].

He made that prediction on 6/28/01 over his shortwave Radio program “Hour of the Time.” There were a lot of Americas who listen to the show.  I personal went out of my way to not miss any of his broadcasts. The patriot movement was growing, and William Cooper’s intellegence reports to the people was revealing too much. He had the Controllers squirming . . EDITOR

And of course everyone knows what happened on 9/11/01. History is History.

Bill Cooper was revealing the slugs under the rocks and their secret agendas. The Controllers didn’t like his educating the masses. He had to go. On 11/5/01 he was gunned down by Sheriffs deputies at his home in Arizona.

The memory of this true Patriot and super American should never be forgotten.  . . EDITOR

youtube by PisstoffAmerican

Meet Bill Cooper : Murdered by George W. Bush & Friends

Published on Jun 10, 2012

Bill Cooper is a man everyone should know about. Few actually do. There should be statues of this man in every town across America! There never will be.. He tried to do the right thing, when nobody else even cared what the ‘right thing’ was.

Go a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archives “William Cooper”


THEI Selected Short Subject (Rerun)

This time it’s being used to salute William Cooper, a true Patriot.

Google Search: William Cooper

6/30/13: IRON MOUNTAIN Report (Full Documentary)

Robot Skills and Ills

Robot Skills and Ills


The world of robots got even more interesting and foreboding this week. Below are two stories that, especially taken in contrast to one another, are amazing. Both stories come to us through Hearst & Electronic Products

[Image: Robot-Astounding-Stories-21-SOURCE-Google-Images-Public-Domain.jpg]


Ping Pong Playing Robot (or is that “PingBot“?)

This first story (video) is interesting in that this guy, Ulf Hoffman, built  this thing in their garage and wrote the operating software from scratch. The problem is I wouldn’t be able to play to a forehand or backhand. You can read the full story HERE

Along Came CUPID

short for Chaotic Unmanned Personal Intercept Drone, is an app controlled six-pronged-copter flying drone that packs an 80,000 volt Taser dart ― legally surpassing policemen’s 50,000 volt Tasers.

And this armed drone, billed as a “technology demonstration”, is designed to identify and tazer suspects.

“CUPID is simple: once an intruder is spotted on a property, CUPID will fly over and transmit an image of their face. If the property owner does not grant clearance, then CUPID will issue an audio warning before tazering any uncompliant persons into submission, then wait the authorities to arrive. ”

I am pretty sure, police will be the first to fire the tazer on this thing and government will be the first to use its surveillance function. When this cupid’s arrow finds you, it won’t be love in the air, it will be screams and urine.

Read this full story HERE (then run)

Solar Energy Project Killing Wild Birds and Future Use of Similar Tech

Solar Energy Project Killing Wild Birds and Future Use of Similar Tech

Image: Public Domain, “Razmnama” aka the Firebird, from Hindu Epic, Mahabharata

This is a case of big government and the “controllers” conspiring in ramming another bad idea through. It includes secret dealings, withheld critical information, ignoring public debate, and vulgar expenditures of public funds. And the conspiracy will live on, even after being discovered.

Wiki Kwiki

The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, is a solar thermal power project in the California Mojave Desert, 40 miles (64 km) southwest of Las Vegas, with a planned gross capacity of 392 megawatts (MW).[4] It deploys 170,000 heliostats each with two mirrors focusing solar energy on boilers located on centralized solar power towers.[4] The project attracted some controversy because of its location on desert habitat considered by wildlife officials and environmentalists to be important for the threatened desert tortoise.[5] Unit 1 of the project was connected to the grid in September 2013 in an initial sync testing.[6] The facility formally opened on February 13, 2014.[1]

The project has been developed by BrightSource Energy and Bechtel.[7] The project cost $2.2 billion and the largest investor in the project is NRG Energy, a generating company based in Princeton, N.J., that has put in $300 million.[8] The project has received a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the United States Department of Energy. The estimated construction costs for this CSP project ($5,561.00 per KW) fall between the construction costs for coal and nuclear power plants per Synapse Energy Economics.

Wall Street Journal

The $2.2 Billion Bird-Scorching Solar Project

At California’s Ivanpah Plant, Mirrors Produce Heat and Electricity—And Kill Wildlife

A giant solar-power project officially opening this week in the California desert is the first of its kind, and may be among the last, in part because of growing evidence that the technology it uses is killing birds.

U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz is scheduled to speak Thursday at an opening ceremony for the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Station, which received a $1.6 billion federal loan guarantee.

” Experts have estimated that electricity from giant solar projects will cost at least twice as much as electricity from conventional sources. But neither the utilities that have contracted to buy the power nor state regulators have disclosed what the price will be, only that it will be passed on to electricity customers.”

Read the Rest of the WSJ story HERE


“President Obama and the Department of Energy are committed to ensuring that all sources of energy are competitive in a carbon constrained economy,” Moniz continued, citing the more than $24 billion in loan guarantees the department has made for clean energy programs as well as the over $8 billion for fossil fuel projects that lower emissions.

“The Department of Energy provided the Ivanpah project with a $1.6 billion loan guarantee, which helped attract investors such as NGR Solar and Google, which invested $168 million,according to Peter Davidson, executive director of the DOE’s Loan Program Office.” SOURCE

(Google officially pulled out of the project in 2011)

Editor’s notes:

(1) The order for the first turbine for Ivanpah was announced (by Siemens) on December 10, 2008

(2) Neither the State of California, the Bureau of Land Management, nor the US Department of Energy had yet approved the project as of July 2009 (SOURCE)

(3) DOE  (US Taxpayers) co-signed a US$ 1.6 Billion loan to make sure this plant was built, but zero money for maintenance (with 300,000 mirrors, 600,000 motors, and 600,000 jackscrew actuators, if the assumed 10,000 hours mean time between failures is accurate, then over the expected 30 year life of the facility, some 1,642,500 repairs will be required in the array fields alone, each repair will cost an average of at least several hundred dollars, paid by consumers). The federal taxes on the delivered power will eventually payback any failed loans, adding to the consumption cost.

(4) The facility will use as much as 60% of the power it produces, very similar to coal-fired plants

(5) Despite a Congressional investigation into the loan guarantee, no force seemed capable of stopping the “green stimulus” from securing tax-based funding to some of the largest corporations on two continents. (SOURCE)

(6) The California Energy Commission announced Monday that it would be blocking the construction of Brightsource’s proposed 500 MW Palen Solar Electric Generating System’s project, a concentrated solar power (CSP) project, the fourth such project Brightsource has attempted to construct, of which only the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System project has been developed.