Search results for Mayan

Retro: 2012: UFOTV® Presents : Nibiru…? – The Movie – Planet X Revealed (Full Video)

from UFOTVstudios

Uploaded on Feb 11, 2011

Does a rogue planet, known as Nibiru invading our solar system from deep space menace our world? Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012? Is humanity doomed, or at the nexus of a spiritual renaissance in connection with the passing of Nibiru in proximity with our solar system? Explore these prophetic myths–while there’s still time…!

Planet X – The Destroyer & 2012 Evaluated (Full Documentary video)

Although I don’t buy into everything presented in this video, I do feel it needs to be watched. . . EDITOR

from youtube

Uploaded by  on Feb 10, 2012

Visit My Website:

Evidence considered for the existence of an exotic Planet X within our solar system – called The Destroyer in esoteric traditions. A review of certain key ancient texts, including The Kolbrin, The Bible, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, The Pistis Sophia and The Chronicle of Akakor. How the return of a 10th Planet may coincide with the 2012 date of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, and the 52 year Mayan-Aztec Calendar. “End of the World” traditions and the Outer Darkness are also evaluated. . . . Text from video

Earliest Use of Mexican Turkeys by Ancient Maya (W/Video)

I have long maintained that the Turkey should be the United States official bird as opposed to the Eagle.  After, all it was the meat of the turkey that filled the bellies of the first European raiders in the country.  The Eagle was picked because it represents power . . . aggressive power, but the turkey was, without argument the first most important American bird to the first settlers. . .EDITOR 

from Science Daily

ScienceDaily (Aug. 8, 2012) — A new University of Florida study shows the turkey, one of the most widely consumed birds worldwide, was domesticated more than 1,000 years earlier than previously believed.

Researchers say discovery of the bones from an ancient Mayan archaeological site in Guatemala provides evidence of domestication, usually a significant mark of civilization, and the earliest evidence of the Mexican turkey in the Maya world. The study appears online inPLoS ONE.

The discovery of the turkey bones is significant because the Maya did not use a lot of domesticated animals. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Turkey: The Other National Bird

Uploaded by  on Nov 20, 2011

In this special Thanksgiving episode, Nevin and Brandon tell the story of how the turkey almost became The United States of America’s national bird instead of the bald eagle (if Ben Franklin would have had his way that is). . . Text posted with video

[INSIDE] Tha Jackals Head W/ Dan Martin [06/29/2012]

Dan Martin

Dan Martin

Dan Martin was born in Detroit, Michigan , the eldest son of the eldest son, five generations long. The offspring of divorced parents, at thirteen Dan went on to live with his father high in the Rocky Mountains where he learned how to hunt, trap, work on engines and generally be self-sufficient.

At age seventeen, Dan joined the military, was stationed in Hawaii and eventually deployed and fought in Desert Shield. He received a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Hawaii; and upon arriving back in the States, he attended the University of Texas studying physics and Engineering. It was also then that Dan volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and Greenpeace, where he must have gotten his first taste of living and working outside of the ‘norm’. He then went on to work for Boeing Aerospace on Air Force C-17 Globe Masters. During Dan’s time with Boeing, he attended San Antonio Community College, taking undergraduate courses in Pre-Med, Sociology, World History and Psychology, earning enough credits for a Ph.D. and another Bachelors degree. But he never wanted a degree, only the education itself.

Today’s faulty educational system led Dan to begin to realize that something was wrong with the world, but especially the United States. People moved around like “sheep,” to and from work and home as if asleep, essentially ignoring the planet around them. So in the spring of 2000, he spent all of his waking spare time in Central Mexico taking up odd part-time jobs, learning mechanics, welding, fire control, security, farming, ranching, construction, architecture, wood working, first response, sanitation, plumbing, electrical, heating and air-conditioning, and metal working, where he later met and married his wife, Lucia. They would then both re-enter the U.S. and live another year in San Antonio, Texas, before quitting his high-paying career with Boeing at the age of twenty-five; cashing in all his investments and 401K; selling all their homes and personal belongings, to move out into the desert, leaving the world, family, friends and the rest of the sheep behind.

For the next 6 years, the two lived 100% off-the-grid, completely cut-off from society. There were no electric lines, no telephone lines, no garbage or sewer service, no mail, no city water, no cell service, not even a road to the property. Dan built their home alone in the shape of an octagon without walls, completely open to the surrounding landscape so that they could live ‘with’ nature. They lived off rain water catchment, raised, bred and slaughtered goats, chickens, catfish, turkeys and ducks for food, made their own fuel and grew underground hydroponic fruits and vegetables.

Dan Martin became a consultant performing hundreds of similar sustainable living projects, teaching others about making their own renewable fuels and ways to harness alternative energies, along with building with natural materials and living independently. He has designed and overseen dozens of projects for governmental agencies as well as private corporations and overseas clients.

For the last three years, Martin has written and published over forty do-it-yourself guides on the subject–from how to make your own ethanol, to how to build your own solar panels. These books are all available on Amazon or on his non-profit organization website: Dan Martin has also drawn the attention of established newspapers, websites, and magazines from several countries, and has been the source of half a dozen radio and television interviews.

In 2010, he began writing Apocalypse, How to Survive a Global Crisis in preparation for 2012, which is an accumulation of his life’s work, education and experiences, in addition to writing his sustainability guides in preparation for the possible end of the world as we know it, to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar “or beyond.”

“Get ready, get a good seat, and witness the most violent display of nature that mother has to offer. When it’s all over, I’ll be sure to leave a light on for ya!” – Dan Martin

“it’s not the level of bad in someone’s heart; it’s the lack of good in someone’s soul.” – Dan Martin

Will the world, as we know it, end in 2012? It’s the intention of this book and the will of its author to teach you what you’ll need to know to survive IF it does. Spiritual prophecies, scientific predictions, meteor impacts, viral pandemics, economic/government collapse, solar flares, electrical grid collapse, climate change, floods, ice age, WW3, polar shifts, Planet X, peak oil, super tsunamis, alien invasions, how the government’s preparing. This book has it all and teaches how you and your family can survive it all: how to make shelters, electricity, weapons, grow/hunt food. It is a complete and total self-help guide for the common person, not only for the end times, but any global crisis, of which we seem to be having our fair share lately. Written by a retired Boeing Aerospace Technician who lived six years 100% self-sufficient and cut-off from society, Dan Martin presents an eye-opening view of humanity; and his insights into possible future events are breath-taking, to say the least. It makes you think, is the end closer than we think? Are any of us really prepared?

Apocalypse, How to Survive a Global Crisis is the first of Dan Martin’s three-part series, showing the reader first-hand knowledge and hands-on experience through the eyes of the author, step-by-step how to be self-sufficient. He illustrates how being entirely independent from society is not only possible in today’s world, but may even become imminent and necessary in the next. His views of humanity and insight into possible future events are eye-opening to say the least; yet, he always manages to follow up with creative and resilient means to handle and resolve the dilemmas that arise. Never has an author managed to capture and awaken so many souls with so few breaths!

The backbone of “Apocalypse” is filled with dozens of DIY lessons, illustrations, diagrams, charts, pictures, tables and descriptions, helping you to deal with and re-establish control over your life and your family’s life. Separated into ten well- laid-out chapters is information that: deals with what will happen just before, during and after any number of different possible apocalyptic cataclysms; teaches you how to prepare for such catastrophes beforehand, during and/or directly afterwards, along with step-by-step guides that walk you through building and acquiring shelter, water, food, security, energy, medical and transportation; and finally, explains what will need to be done to create a new world order, different from the last.

Apocalypse, How to Survive a Global Crisis can of course be utilized to survive dooms day scenarios, but yet won’t be obsolete if the end of the world doesn’t occur in our lifetime. It can still be applied to daily living out of or even in society to lower bills, debt, expenses, or to become completely self sufficient. In the end, Dan Martin may be literally transforming and possibly saving the lives of regular people all over the world.


[INSIDE] Tha Jackals Head W/ Jim Okon [06/01/2012]

James O’Kon

James O’Kon


Lost in the Rainforest, an Undiscovered Maya Structure Reveals New Evidence of Ancient Technology… The discovery by James O’Kon of the unknown suspension bridge at the ancient city of Yaxchilan in Mexico came as a shock to archeologists who had studied the site for decades.

In his new book, The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology, O’Kon recounts the thrilling realization of what he discovered and how he used modern methods to examine and prove the existence of the spectacular bridge, and other exciting revelations about previously unknown Mayan constructions.

With 40 years as an award-winning structure engineer and as the explorer of more than 50 remote Mayan sites, O’Kon makes for a fascinating interviewee.

Apocalypse Soon: Has Civilization Passed the Environmental Point of No Return?

Photo: 1946 eruption of Paricutín Volcano, Mexico. SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain).

from Scientific American

By Madhusree Mukerjee  | May 23, 2012 | 72

Although there is an urban legend that the world will end this year based on a misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar, some researchers think a 40-year-old computer program that predicts a collapse of socioeconomic order and massive drop in human population in this century may be on target.

Remember how Wile E. Coyote, in his obsessive pursuit of the Road Runner, would fall off a cliff? The hapless predator ran straight out off the edge, stopped in midair as only an animated character could, looked beneath him in an eye-popping moment of truth, and plummeted straight down into a puff of dust. Splat! Four decades ago, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer model called World3 warned of such a possible course for human civilization in the 21st century. . . . Read Complete Report

Are we missing the boat! Could Dec. 21, 2012 actually arrive on May 20, 2012?

Image of Quetzalcoatl (Codex Telleriano-Remensis) – Public Domain

Everyone is waiting for 12/21/12, well almost everybody.  But will ANYONE be ready for — May 20, 2012. WOW! That’s just a few days away.  Will I be ready? . . . EDITOR



Crop Circle Decoded: Return of the Maya’s Quetzalcoatl on May 20, 2012?

A recently decoded crop circle predicts the return of the Mayan deity, Quetzalcoatl on May 20, 2012.

East Kennett July 22, 2010 10 pyramids with 5 levels.  Middle shows an eclipse and astrological events, transit of Venus, annular solar eclipse visible in the Pacific on May 20th, 2012.  On may 20, the Maya sun Kinich Ahau aligns with the Tsab (the sun king will align with the Pleiades <Tsab to the Maya>).

On May 20th, during the annular solar eclipse of the Pleiades, the sun, the moon, Earth and the center of the galaxy will align. This is the same alignment that some people expect on December 21, 2012. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Uploaded by on Nov 27, 2011

Crop Circles (2012) Return of Quetzalcoatl Episode 4 of the new series uncovering the REAL STARGATE phenomenon within our galaxy and beyond. SOURCE

Good News: According to a New Poll Only One in Seven Thinks the End of the World is Near

from Godfather Politics

I’m encouraged that only about 15 percent of people surveyed in a recent poll believe the end of the world is around the corner. For hundreds of years people have been assured by prophecy writers that the end of the world was on the horizon. Every time there’s an earthquake, a war, or unusual weather patterns prophetic prognosticators assure their gullible subjects that the end is near. Many have been immobilized by the thought that an imminent end is in their future.The Mayan calendar – it’s always something – got the attention of prophecy pundits and rattled a few cages with dire predictions of the end based on an ancient civilization’s rock carving. Why anyone would believe what an extinct civilization left behind when it couldn’t predict its own end is a mystery to me. . . . Read Complete Article

Russian News: Disclosure On 2012 & Planet X (Nibiru) Conspiracy (video report)

1st post – new Dept:

Countdown to 2012 – Planet X (Nibira) Conspiracy?

It is now time to start a research archive for some of the rumored upcoming evens that, if true, could be the end of our civilization as we know it. As I have said many times before, I do not believe that the Mayan’s were predicting an “end of the world”. I will get into that with another report.

Speculative Angle

I do believe that its possible the Mayan’s saw something coming in the far-distant future of A.D 2012.  What they saw gave them the date as to what would be the ending date to carve into the famous stone calendar. The logical answer as to why the calendar has an end-use date is not because man would no longer be around to read it, but because the Mayans would no longer need it. We always look to the logical answer first. That is the only logical answer unless it truly is the End Times. That … or the stone mason just ran out of space.

It being the end times is hardly probable for several reasons, the discussion of which is not the subject of this posting.  Besides if it is “End Times” then this research, website, you, and I will just be very small part of the Nil our quest.  So for now, lets move on while we have time.

The first question we must ask: “Why would they not need the calendar any longer? Once we understand the use of the calender that question can be answered with one sentence: “In order to follow a calendar you must have a way of referencing and separating the dates. We use the circling of the sun to measure day and night.  But what if you lived underground?  A calendar as a way to keep time is impossible to use in the inner realms. . . Research continues, stay tuned.

Conspiracy One Way or the Other

This first video file added to the Department comes to us from Russian TV and is perfect for starting our archives. Not only does it confirm that others in other places are looking at the same mysterious things those of us in the U.S. are studying, but it very clearly defines the connections between our TWO subjects of study in this NEW Department which are;

(1) The coming Mayan Calender date 12/21/12.

(2) The long discussed coming of Planet X AKA the rogue bully planet Nibiru.  Somewhere in here is a conspiracy. I can feel it in my guts.  We just gotta figure it out. . . . Dennis

Need your help on this one.  Please submit your comments on these subjects. This is an open and ongoing research project  here at THEI and will continue to be so your thoughts and will continue to be … well, until December 21,2012 anyway.  But don’t put off your Christmas shopping to see if the world is going to end. In fact, you can just go ahead and send mine early. . . EDITOR

from youtube

From Russia with Love

from youtube
INSIDERS SECRET BONUS. Re-leave the tension of the coming planet X – watch the 1951 classic movie, When Worlds Collide in brilliant Technicolor and in its entirety (1hr 18-almost-19mins) and best of all … FREE! Right here, right now here on THEI.

Did you like the movie? Wanna know more.

Read the excellent (far better than the movie) original and the two other great books in the trilogy. All three available from Amazon right here. Help us stay on the internet, buy books from this site. Thanks. . . EDITOR

“I consider this set of apocalyptic novels (I’ve read the first two and the third is the next book on my fiction list) to be the best ever written on the subject.  In fact if I find a copy in any used book store of either book I automatically buy it and give it to the next person I meet who shows interest. And these are the only books I do that with. I think they are just that good of a read”. . . Dennis Crenshaw

Volume 1: When Worlds Collide

Volume 2: After Worlds Collide

Volume 3: The Terrans of Beta

Hundreds of pagans turn up at Stonehenge for the winter solstice… on the WRONG DAY

from DailyMail

Hundreds of pagans turn up at Stonehenge for the winter solstice… on the WRONG DAY

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:55 PM on 22nd December 2009

It’s one of the oldest celebrations in the world and has drawn visitors to Stonehenge for centuries.

But 300 pagans were left red-faced yesterday after they arrived at the prehistoric monument a day early for the winter solstice.  Read more:–WRONG-DAY.html#ixzz1hhxyOlLa

Related:  Mexico Mayan Region Launches Apocalypse Countdown