Search results for obama Birth certificate

Chief Kessler Drops Bombs On Team Arpaio – 6/26/2013 (Audio Report)

The proof is in their hands! How long will our un-Justice Department and crooked court system keep a lid on the fact that Obama is using a stolen Social Security Number, and a forged Selective Service card.

And where is the MAIN STREAM MEDIA? Going on a cover-up trip with the Obama family traipsing all over Africa at taxpayer expense while they wait for Nelson Mandela’s death.  Then Obama will be “Johnny-on-the-spot” with his loving MSM on hand to try  and draw attention away from  his falling apart Administration and criminal credential scandal with max news coverage about him attending the funeral of the South African hero.  

Or maybe “Mr. Bones” just wants to be close to his REAL home country when the shit hits the fan. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

Published on Jun 26, 2013

FULL INTERVIEW LINK: Chief Kessler Drops Bombs On Team Arpaio – 6/26/2013 – – – FULL AUDIO:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp…

Did a LITTLE DEEPER THEI Archive: “Following Obama’s Birthgate Crimes”

My Wasted Vote by Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

Thoughts From an Underground Insider

July 27, 2010

by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR

I was just reading a leftist article in the Huffington Post, Mitt Romney: The Gated Candidate by Robert L. Borosage. In the op-ed he states;


“The wealthiest Americans often choose to live in gated communities, designed to shield them from the intrusion of those Ann Romney calls “you people.”

Now, Mitt Romney is applying that same notion to his campaign for the presidency. He’s offering Americans a gated candidate, with whole areas of his record walled off to keep “you people” from knowing about them.’

He goes on to say: “The scope of information gated off is striking and unprecedented in modern presidential politics. Romney insured that records on his stint as Governor and as CEO of the Olympics were scrubbed. He walls off access to his history at Bain, the company he led. Romney refuses to reveal his tax returns. He walls off information about the bundlers who are raising the money for the campaign to whom he will be deeply indebted.”

All of the above is true. But Romney isn’t the only one running for the Presidency who is afraid to reveal the truth about his background.

Barack Obama AKA Berry Soetoro, with the help of the Controllers MSM still refuses to discuss why he posted a forged birth certificate. He refuses to reveal why he is using a fraudulent social security number. He refuses to unseal his educational records, and on and on.

from youtube

Uploaded by   on Apr 15, 2011
Information about Obama’s hidden past is finally coming out due to the diligent research of and Donald Trump’s investigation into Obama (And it’s NOT about the birth certificate issue.). This video, recorded from The Power Hour radio show by Joyce Riley, exposes the FACTS they have uncovered about Obama’s past that may be surprising, even shocking, to some.

My question is … how is it that American voters would vote for either one of these obviously unscrupulous characters  with obviously lots of things to hide?

The answer is easy.

Most Americans who vote have been lured and brainwashed  into the false  belief that there is a huge difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties.    This is simply not true at all. Especially when a close look at the core beliefs  of the 2012 establishment Presidential Candidates will show any one that their goals are the same . . . The Controllers fascist-socialist agenda for the world. 

Yet, the American voter will go to the polls this November and “vote their conscious” for their man. . .  one or the other of the proven thugs, both with important facts to hide and both members of the Controllers one-party-acting-as-two, the Republic-Rats.

Of course, I am getting ready to hear from every one of those well-meaning mind-controlled voters, when asked who I’ll be voting for their programmed statement. and belief.  I’ve heard it evey election year since I came of age to vote; “If I vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Candidate, I will be wasting my vote.””   Really? 

And a vote for one of the 2 Controllers puppets WON’T BE “a wasted vote?”

People, America is in big trouble.  If we citizens refuse to wake up to the truth that two Party’s, both with the same agenda, continue to be in control of our Country’s destiny things will continue to get worst. No matter which side sets in the Oval Office over the next four years the cannibalistic treatment of our constitution will continue. Constitution, Bill of Rights and all the other civil  and States Rights protections will be stripped silently away..

In the long run,  be you Republican,Democrat, Libertarian, or one of the other mostly pushed aside Political Party’s. . . . We all will have wasted our vote. And our kids will NEVER get to vote in a fair election.

Finally the IRS Gets Audited! (w/video)

It’s about time!

But I wonder, what is their reasoning behind the move. Ron Paul has been calling for an audit of the outlaw IRS Agency for at least 3 decades. Do you think that the strength of Ron Paul’s followers has put the fear of God in the Controllers and this move is to try and appease them? I do.

The problem is – will the audit be a real assessment or more of the same? At any rate, the man I feel we owe a deep gratitude for bringing this issue to a front burner is the only REAL Constitutionally conscious politician that we have had in our government in my lifetime. Thanks Dr. Paul. I have voted for Ron Paul every time he has ran and will be writing his name on the ballot as a write-in candidate in this election.

People say I’ll be wasting my vote, but I’m use to that. I am proud of the fact that I have never voted for one of the Controllers 2 party puppets for president in my life and I’m too old to change.  I believe that anyone who votes for a Republican or Democrat, the two arms of the one party system, are the ones that will be wasting their vote, not I. Be it Romney or Obama, they both serve the same masters who seek to destroy our Constitution and country. And anyone who does not believe that I urge them to start their own personal research.  You can start by going back through our “Eyeballin’ the One World Order” Archive. In fact if you are one of those who believe that our country’s savior will be Mitt “the Vulture” Romney watch this video then decide again, “Romney Obama the Same.” . . EDITOR

from Ms No World Order

Category: News
Published on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 11:28
 The federal agency that strikes fear into many U.S. taxpayers is getting a dose of its own medicine – as it is now the focus of a year-long audit for allowing illegal aliens to scam the system and bilk taxpayers out of billions of dollars every year.

Federal employees are blowing the whistle on the Internal Revenue Service, according to a report by Indianapolis television station WTHR-TV.

The scam involves the use of an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN –a nine-digit tax-processing number assigned by the IRS to individuals who are obligated to file a federal tax return but do not have or are not eligible for a Social Security Number. Illegal aliens may obtain an ITIN by sending the IRS documents such as original or notarized photocopies of birth certificates, driving records, voter ID cards, school records and vaccination records – all documents that are easily forged or falsely notarized. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Exposing the Federal Reserve

Uploaded by on Jan 29, 2012

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This animated short film reveals the insidious and fraudulent nature of the Federal Reserve System. It explains basic concepts, historical facts, and ways out in a easy and fun to understand format.

Hawaii Five-O: Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives To Honolulu

Continuing to bring our readers the story the MSM refuses to cover. . . EDITOR

from Before its News

Monday, May 21, 2012 10:48

In a major development in his probe of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 presidential ballot, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has dispatched his lead Cold Case Posse investigator and a deputy detective to Hawaii.

The mission to Obama’s purported birthplace comes as the Hawaii Department of Health continues to resist efforts by Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to verify that the Honolulu agency has a valid birth certificate on file for Obama. . . . Read Complete Report