Discription from David O.N. Johnson on Facebook:
“The computus runicus is a document written in runes from the year 1328. It comes from the island of Gotland and if you click on the link above you will be able to see all 16 pages in a much larger view. Even though this comes from Gotland and not Gotaland there are still things of interest to those of us in the KRS supporters club. The last three pages have a danish translation for the runes. Some of the runes are quite familiar to the KRS study. For example the word “ok” is found here, some critics have described this word, also found on the KRS, as a fake. Yet here it is in the year 1328 or 34 years before the KRS is dated. Ole Worm, the great Danish runologist probably did the Danish translation you see on the last few pages.”
The Runic Calender From Gotland From 1328.
Described by Ole Worm
This page has approx. 1,6 Mb pictures only! But the book is complete.. . . Link to book
Hello all. I found a metal pendant while digging with the same picture on page 21 of the runicus. I can not find a translation. Can someone please help.
Hello Josh,
If you have a photo, I will be happy to forward it to a couple folks I know who are good at that sort of thing.