Archive for Dennis Crenshaw – Editor “Thoughts from an Underground Insider”

The Silver Bullet: The Real SECRET Controllers “The Pilgrims”; An Exposure

I personally believe that the only way for the middle class and poor people in America to make it through the coming financial crash is to get your hands on all the silver you can (NOT paper claiming you own silver – the medal itself) and hid it away. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw 

EXPOSED: The Elites Who Control Silver & The World — Charles Savoie

YouTube ~

Published on Sep 4, 2016

EXPOSED: The Elites Who Control Silver & The World — Charles Savoie

Writer and researcher Charles Savoie joins me to discuss his life’s work to expose the centuries long scheme to control, suppress and demonetize silver by the secret society called ‘The Pilgrims’. Charles Silver Squelchers series of articles stretches more than 3,000 pages in length and reveals incredible details about the silver suppression scheme that can found no where else. You can find Charles work at the – Thanks for joining us.


Presented © January 2011-2017 by Charles Savoie                                                          

An Initiative to Protect Private Property Rights of American Citizens


A Secret Society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”
— Last Will & Testament of diamond monopolist Cecil Rhodes

—Martin Walbert, “The Coming Battle—A Complete History of the National Banking Money Power in the United States” (1899)

 Ted Butler, the most widely followed silver commentator, has often said to buy and hold physical, because that puts you beyond COMEX rule changes. That’s correct! However, there remains an immeasurably more insidious, far reaching entity that can change rules—Uncle Sam, and he’s tightly in the grasp of the same forces who’ve depressed silver for generations. Uncle Sam nationalized gold and silver in the Franklin Roosevelt administration; this is subject to a repeat! Now that the price can’t be suppressed, what’s next? FORBID OWNERSHIP! You have hours for professional sports and TV talk shows; how about some time for your property rights, without which you can go broke? Whether the excuse cited is North Korea, the Middle East or other, the actual reason is to break us and prevent capital formation on our part! Please read and act on what follows— Read Complete Report

Stacking Silver Continue on Page 2>>

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HUGE “Hole” On Mars Has Scientists Baffled 6/6/17 and other Possible Hollowness in Space & at Home (Extended Report)


Hollow Mars?

From Fox News Science

Huge, deep hole on Mars leaves scientists baffled

Fox News

A depression huge and deep on Mars has left astronomers baffled.

It was discovered by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NRO), which has been studying the Martian surface for 11 years. The vast pit, estimated to be hundreds of feet across and surrounded by frozen carbon dioxide, is located on the south pole of Mars— sticking out among the Swiss cheese terrain of Earth’s closest neighbor. . . . Read Complete Report

As I have stated for 50 years it is my belief that planetary civilizations live inside planets and Earth’s outer civilization, man, is an experiment conducted by an Advanced Civilization that lives inside our planet to see if a civilization can exist on the outside of a planet for any length of time and what would happen to such an outer civilization placed here. Crazy Idea?  Maybe so, but here is another finding that, well . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw (This site is not called The Hollow Earth Insider nothing)

HUGE “Hole” On Mars Has Scientists Baffled 6/6/17

YouTube ~ secureteam10

Published on Jun 5, 2017

Source pic:…
Support the channel:
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the space coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!

Deep, black mars holes

YouTube ~ ufomovies

Uploaded on Oct 14, 2007

Windows into the abyss
Black spots have been discovered on Mars that are so dark that nothing inside can be seen. Quite possibly, the spots are entrances to deep underground caves capable of protecting Martian life, were it to exist.
See the picture in High Quality:

Must See! Planet Mars Has Something Moving Under Its Surface! 6/18/16

YouTube ~ Published on Jun 18, 2016

Continue on Page 2>>

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THEI Returns to Antarctica (Extended Report) Part 1 ~ Could Be the Most Important Information Ever Revealed!!


Retrospect: My personal research published in 1996 in The  Hollow Earth Insider (THEI)

Since the inception of THEI in 1992 we have been filing reports on the Strange goings on in the South Pole Region of our planet.

One of my personal early research projects was an in depth study of the huge Snow Cruiser that was being built and hyped almost daily prior to Admiral Byrd’s 1939 expedition which totally disappeared from any news sources once it was transported to Antarctica.  

We are talking about an exploring machine that was outfitted for a crew of 4, with enough supplies to last a year without any contact and big enough to carry a one engine plane strapped to its back. Think about it. This huge machine built in 1939 was like the Fledgling Space Program building their first shuttle. Everyone in America knew about it and read about it being built daily in their newspapers and popular magazines of the day.  When it was moved across the country people came from miles away just to watch it pass. Then once unloaded in Antarctica it was never mentioned again. No questions, no answers.

(Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctica Expedition & the Mysterious Snow Cruiser). (1996)  by Dennis Crenshaw.

The Penguin Antarctic Snow Cruiser Mysterious Snow Cruiser

To get the full concept of it’s size watch in full screen mode.

YouTube ~ Автомобильный Век Published on Aug 7, 2015


Image: The Snow Cruiser plans. Source:Life Magazine. 30 October 1939. (For the complete article and a large clear copy of this diagram along with other photos go here).





So with that said I am eager to return to Antarctica and learn with you the latest about this mysterious and secretive place that has fascinated me for over 25 years. 

If this all seems too outlandish to you don’t fluff it off until you watch the more modern videos I am presenting further into this lengthy posting. . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


YouTube ~ Hidden Truth News

Published on Sep 4, 2016

This documentary short is a complex presentation of recent U.S. and Russian visits to Antarctica, the Nazis, and Hollow Earth, including its importance in Nazi Germany before and during WW2, and Antarctica’s possible escape route off of the Earth for many Nazi’s who mysteriously disappeared after the war without a trace. Few know the truth about Antarctica, as it is an expanse of land that has gone unnoticed for centuries. But not by the Nazis…They knew the truth…

Image: medallion used by the German Antarctica of 1938-2939.  First Deutsche Antarktische Expedition



The Nazis believed there might have been a civilization inside the Earth. This was the belief of Helena Blavatsky, who profoundly influenced the Nazi’s philosophy and esotericism. There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that a theory now considered dumb to most people, the hollow Earth, had an unusual cult following in Nazi Germany. German pop figures and writers also supported this idea, including one writer named Karl Neupert. The Earth was not a solid rock, but was shaped more like a human eyeball, having two portals of entry at the North and South poles and was hollow in the center. An empire was alleged to exist inside the Earth called Agartha. This is where the master race dwells.

Why was this? The Nazis did not create the hollow Earth concept. The idea preceded them. Even illuminati members Edgar Allen Poe and Jules Verne alluded in their poetry and prose to such a place, deep underneath the crust. Call it conspiracy, but the Nazi’s led three expeditions to Antarctica, and Admiral Richard Byrd, who led Operation Highjump, suggests that “bases” were established in Antarctica by the Nazis. They were doing something down there. Was the continent an escape for them?

Now, Obama visited Antarctica in March, and he was preceded by Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Simultaneous to Obama’s visit to the South Pole, his director of CIA, James Clapper, made a secret trip to Australia, another country with heavy interest in Antarctica. Kirill offered a strange blessing of Antarctica, calling the barren land an “ideal for human kind” because there were no weapons down there or any type of science experiments. Except, we know that is not true at all: there are multiple scientific expeditions that have gone to Antarctica: this was confirmed in an interview with Richard Byrd, who said that the region would become the center of scientific inquiry directly after WW2. What did he mean by this.

Another piece of my personal Research published in THEI in 1996

Before we get further into the present time reports we must look at another pieces of research that I did during my 4 years of research into Admiral Byrd’s involvement into the subject.  As you look into Hollow Earth aspect of this mysterious piece of land you will hear a lot about “Admiral Byrd’s Secret Diary”.  Here is my personal research into this oft quoted book. Be sure and watch the video I produced at the end of the research report. That’s the smoking gun. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact or Fiction? (1996) by Dennis Crenshaw

Antarctica Strangeness 2017 Style

Antarctica video you will never forget, try not to miss

YouTube ~ ekeresco jack Published on Apr 16, 2017

Continue on Page 2 >>

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Something Different: You Like Fried Chicken?

Featured Photo: Downtown Jacksonville in the mid-1950’s.

Tribute to John. “R” Richbourg DJ over 1510 WLAC Nashville Tennessee. The Man and the Radio Station Who Turned Your Editor onto The Blues

by Dennis Crenshaw

Many of you will care less about this posting.  But as someone once said, (don’t ask me who, but it sounds good)  “If you own the vehicle, you do the driving.” 

With that in mind I’m taking over the site to present to the few who might care an open window into my early life.  So come with me back, way back to about 1958.  This was a time of innocence. We had never heard of pot.  Sex was taboo for most young people. And the Illuminati was a word I had never even heard of.

Image: 1950’s Rock and Rollers in their local hangout.

I was 15, a Rock and Roller in my last year of Jr. High and the music was my life.  It was the time of waiting weekly for the latest hits of Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis and all the one time wonders of the times.  I wore my hair in a D.A. (Ducks Ass) greased back with Royal Crown Hair Dressing, jeans folded up into cuffs at the bottom outside my Fred Myers engineer boots. and went to City sponsored dances at one of the City parks on Friday nights.

Summer days were spent at Jacksonville Beach or at one of the many theaters downtown where you could set in “Air Condition” for a few hours and watch Artie Murphy or Randolph Scott outdraw the bad guys.  A quarter (plus 10 cents for popcorn and a nickle for a Coke) got you a double feature, a few cartoons, a News Reel and Coming attractions.

The television shows of the times were lousy and we only had AM Radio.  The only Rock and Roll show on our local radio station “Scotty’s Music Box” with local DJ Scotty Furgenson only lasted for two hours on Saturday night. We learned of the new music from jukeboxes which were everywhere and by going around to the many record stores in Jacksonville.

In the summer of 1958 my best friend and next door neighbor Willard Roman bought a 1949 Nash Rambler. Probably one of the ugliest cars of the times.  But don’t tell him that.  This transport opened a whole new world for us. Mainly Drive-in Theaters, double-dating and weekends at the beach without our parents. What little money we could scrape up we saved for the weekend double dating at the drive-in or to go to the beach.  After all gas was 29 cents a gallon.


  So we would set in his Rambler in the driveway and dream of making that California Trip. We also discovered another thing.  Late at night his powerful AM car radio would pick up 50,000 watt stations all over the eastern portion of the country, like WCKY Cincinnati Ohio.  

One night as he was searching the dial why down in the high numbers, 1510 to be exact he picked up a different sounding voice from WLAC Nashville Tennessee.  that voice was DJ John “R”.

We discovered the world of Blues – the roots of Rock and Roll.  My life and love of music was never the same.  I became an instant Blues-man and have remained one ever since and I never missed another night listening to John R. until I joined the Army January 4, 1961.

Image: WLAC – DJ John R. who developed a cult-like following across the Southern United States as a white man who sounded black and introduced black blues music to a whole generation of listeners both black and white.


So without further ado meet the one and only . . . John R., WLAC, Nashville Tennessee and the magic music we heard those late nights long ago setting in a driveway in Jacksonville Florida, coming from a place we had never seen many, many miles away. And while I’m at it I’ve put together a little blues show of my own. Excuse me while I indulge.

John R Richbourg – TnRHOF 2012 Inductee

YouTube ~ TennRadioHOF







John R – Cissy Strut (The Meters)

YouTube ~ warehambr

Go to Page 2 for the rest of the story
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The Ultimate Road Trip Adventure: The Richardson Pan American Expedition 1941

 Featured Photo: Never before published color photo of the flags that adorned the sides of the car doors. Photo by C. Allen Brady, taken in Mexico City. Brady was the Plymouth engineer who put the car together for the Expedition.  Source: Adventure South Photo Album

Every once in a while I like to get away from the serious stuff I publish here and insert a story that I find during my research that is off subject.

I found this 1941 Expedition following the route of the not yet existing Pan American Highway (at the time) to be something that I felt many of my readers would like. Do yourself a favor. Take an hour off and join these” three damn fools”, as their friends called them, on an Adventure that is truly amazing. . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Envelope. Source: Adventure South Photo Album



Photo: Expedition Members pose in front of Detroit News Building Before Embarking.  All photos by Richardson Expedition

The Richardson Pan American Expedition


By Jim Benjaminson


“The Richardson Pan-American Highway Expedition is perhaps one of the greatest automotive stones of all time. In scope and magnitude it surpasses those pioneer automobilists that first crossed the United States at the turn of the century The Richardson Expedition crossed not only this country but encompassed the area spanning two continents-crossing trackless wilderness, endless mud. un-chartered territory and obstacles of every sort that Mother Nature could throw against them. The men of the expedition, Sullivan C Richardson, Arnold Whitaker and Kenneth C. Van Hee were many times called “Three Damn Fools” by friends and foes alike. It is a title that was perhaps fitting, considering the almost insurmountable odds against their succeeding -but succeed they did -and now that title is worn proudly- The Richardson Pan American Highway Expedition was perhaps the last great automotive adventure undertaken on the face of this earth”. . . . Read Complete Article/photos

Adventure South: Rough Road to Panama and Rugged Road to Cape Horn  YouTube ~ MetzenJSR

Published on May 8, 2013

Here’s the movie (1947) my grandfather made about his Pan-American Highway Expedition (1941).
This video has both segments: Rough Road to Panama and Rugged Road to Cape Horn

Thoughts from an Underground Insider: Fake News: How Can we tell?

In these trying times of political unrest and the two political parties at each others throats,  combined with many of our citizens reaching the point of no trust in the MSM and with so many “alternative” news sites on the internet (like THEI) “fake news” has become as common as lying politicians.  How can we know what is true?

While digging into which stories I feel are of concern to you and the others who read THEI I have almost been sucked into reporting these lies myself.

Because of this I have started to check my facts more than I use to. The latest one being “Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead.

“Just days after being summoned to appear before Trey Gowdy’s congressional committee to testify about Hillary Clinton’s email server, one of her aides was found dead at home of “natural causes.” . . . Complete “report”

A couple of other recent reports making the
“alternative” news sites with no truth in recently were:

BREAKING: Investigators Make A Gruesome Discovery While Re-Burying Vince Foster

After learning everything possible from Vince Foster’s exhumed body before it was stolen and burned, investigators gave the OK to have him reinterred. On inspection of the grave, it was discovered that the exhumation crew had cracked the concrete vault that held Foster’s casket, requiring it to be replaced. . . Complete “Report”

Obama’s family release his real birth certificate – obama born in mombasa kenya


My first step when finding what I suspect is one of these Fake News Reports is to make a search for who is reporting this particular story on the internet. For instance, on the story of the Clinton Aid found dead I found the following:

  1. Laura DeGonia – Johnston Wilson McGill, 34 Very strange …

    Johnston Wilson McGill, 34 Very strange. BREAKING: Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead…

  2. Johnston Wilson McGill. Tag: Johnston Wilson McGill. Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead. readconservatives-March 31, 2017. 0. Follow US !

  3. Top Clinton Aide Johnston Wilson McGill Summoned By Congress ……Apr 01, 2017 · Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, was pronounced dead on his sofa by a private specialist subsequent to affliction a clear heart attack. A representative for …
  4. Top Clinton Aide Johnston Wilson McGill Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead (
  5. CLINTON BODY COUNT +1 !!!! BREAKING: Top Clinton Aide …

    Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, who was one of her former aides, was pronounced dead yesterday, after he was found by a friend at his home. Medical sources has reported …

  6. /pol/ – Politically Incorrect » Thread #119202653

    >Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, was pronounced dead on his couch by a private doctor after suffering an apparent heart attack. A spokesman for Clinton’s former …

  7. Top Clinton Aide Summoned By Congress Turns Up Dead …


    First Red Flag:  Not a single MSM or tried and true alternative news source, such as  Drudge Report, Info Wars, was reporting this, only relative unknowns.

    Second Red Flag: Most of these lesser know “alternative news” sites file the same report, useing the same – usually small short reports with the same wording.

    The next step is to make a Public Records Search on the person mentioned as the main character in the report.  One site I have found very useful in this is:

    One good source for fact or fiction facts is to check a great site that traces the truth of such reports,

    In today’s instant world of getting information it is just as important that we seek out and expose` the untruth as it is to distribute the truth no matter what our personal beliefs are.  Hope this helps you shift through the clutter. . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Dennis Crenshaw – Your Editor Returns with a THEI Forum

Caveman_types2[1]Thoughts From an Underground Insider


For those of you who have been waiting anxiously for my return to THEI or if you did not even realized that I have been AWOL from posting for awhile, I just want you to know – like a bad penny. . . I’m back!

Hello old fiends and new.  I was off-line for  almost 2 years as I positioned myself off-grid as much as possible.  Well, off grid on everything except for my presence on this devil’s machine.  
But now I’m here again and will – once again – be keeping you informed of what’s happening in the world of THEI. And I’ve coxed Rick back also (although he might not realize it yet).
 For those of you who don’t know me … I have researched and edited “The Hollow Earth Insider” since I sent out my first fanzine of the same name back in 1992.  I also helped create & was host of ( with my partner Rick Osmon) the very popular “Unraveling the Secrets” radio and television shows on the internet back in the days of early radio and TV on the internet.
Exploring The THEI Basement Archive
I am now assembling and writing my next book – working title The Hollow Earth Insider: Subterranean Realms Research Final Report and need you guys help.  I have created  “Dennis Crenshaw’s Hollow Earth Insider Research Forum” on Facebook and would like those of you interested in joining such an endeavor to stop in.  This is NOT a ‘general information’ HE forum, but will concentrate on those areas of specific study that I will designate.  The first Forum research subject, Admiral Byrd’s Lost Diary has been posted.
Join me if you have any info etc. on the subject.   Or just stop in and keep up with our research into this and all the different aspects of the subterranean realms and give us a bump.
Next Report in this series: Continuing our research into the strange mysterious explorations of Admiral Richard E. Byrd. 

Dennis Crenshaw “Smoke, Baby, Smoke” (The Ferguson Smokescreen)

Thoughts From an Underground Insider

Smoke, Baby, Smoke: The Ferguson Smokescreen

Compiled by Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

The ongoing rage about the cop shooting of a thug trying to escape his strong-arm robbery of the Ferguson Market just 9 minutes before was just what the Controllers needed to happen somewhere in America at that time.  It’s the time-old trick of turning lemons into lemonade which is easier to force down the throats of our present dummy-downed government school generation.

Although, as I watched the “story” unfold I don’t thank the Controllers needed to waste the time making the ‘Jim Jones cocktail’. Today’s citizens seem to have a hard time grasping the REAL goings-on anyway – except maybe the name of the latest “Idol.”

Ferguson_Day_6,_Picture_44 Credit Lovesofbread Source Wikipedia CC

Image:Police Officers using tear gas during the first wave of the Ferguson unrest. Credit: Loavesofbread Own work Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Let’s take a look at the Ferguson Smokescreen. A study of history will point out how “False Flag” and “Smokescreen Operations” have been used throughout history by bad guys to try and blindfold the populace. Like a good magic illusion, while the sheeple watch the scripted scenario, the Controllers are busy working behind the smokescreens doing something the people would raise hell about if done out in plain sight.  In this case I think the powers-that-be outdid themselves. let’s review . . .

 Timeline recap: Michael Brown shooting


In the beginning: Video shows that ‘gentle giant’ Michael Brown is in actuality a bully and strong-arm robber. This video was taken 9 minutes before his being shot and killed by a police officer.

Ferguson police release convenience store surveillance video

youtube by stltodaymobile

Published on Aug 15, 2014

Video captured from two different angles released by the Ferguson Police Department from surveillance video that appear to show a confrontation at a convenience store. Police say Michael Brown allegedly participated in a strong armed robbery at the store. Go to to see complete coverage.


From Associated Press 5:49 a.m. CDT August 18, 2014

Attorney: Dorian Johnson confirms he was with Brown at store robbery

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) – The friend who was with Michael Brown, Dorian Johnson  when he was shot and killed by a police officer near St. Louis over the weekend is reportedly confirming that he and Brown had taken part in the theft of cigars from a convenience store that day. . . Read Complete Report


So far we have learned that (A) Michael Brown and his homeboy Dorian Johnson strong-armed the owner of The Ferguson Market. (2) Nine minutes later Brown was shot and killed by police officer. A local incident that happens all the time in our inner cities.

Then, Controllers Federal Po-lice stick their noses in. Why? This is a local punk taken out by the Po-lice minutes after he took what he wanted out of a convenience store, pushing the owner aside when he complained. The FEDS need to be spending their time doing Federal things not dealing with local low-life crime in middle America. However . . . 

From NBC News

Feds Urged Police Not to Release Michael Brown ‘Robbery’ Video

The Department of Justice urged Ferguson police not to release surveillance video purporting to show Michael Brown robbing a store shortly before he was shot and killed by police, arguing the footage would further inflame tensions in the St. Louis suburb that saw rioting and civil unrest in the wake of the teenager’s death. . . . Read Complete Report

Oh, that’s right. White cop – young black man. Opportunity knocks for the Controllers and their pals. Just shut-up about the strong-arm robbery and insert the ‘race card’. Not only was this another chance to divide and conquer, it also came at great time!

Obama was about to sign his “Executive Action” powers to insure that the 3rd world people from the south of us continue to come illegally by the thousands – millions. What better way to slip the immigration bill in while their controlled press and most of the sheeple are looking at a country wide race riot broadcast 24/7 by the controlled press. So, the controllers send out their best ‘race card’ dealers to fire up the populace . . .

youtube by NBTV Published on Aug 14, 2014

Jesse Jackson on Ferguson Missouri Speaking to NBTV Reporters:

youtube by Lord Rothschild on Nov 25, 2014

Al Sharpton Slams Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

Even Obama got in on the act:

youtube by NoticiasYouTube Published on Nov 24, 2014

Obama on Grand Jury Decision Michael Brown Shooting: Ferguson Missouri Riots Footage Obama Speaking

A local punk, Michael Brown was shot after a strong arm robbery. But now its official. Because of the races of the principles in this case. . . .  it’s a Race Crime!

youtube by wwwMOXNEWScom Published on Sep 4, 2014

Eric Holder Announces DOJ Investigation Of Entire Ferguson Missouri Police Department

 youtube by VICE News

Ferguson – Highlights from VICE News Live Coverage 8/18/2014

Published on Aug 19, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here:

On August 19, protesters gathered in St. Louis following the police shooting of a 23-year-old man at a convenience store. The man’s death comes amid continuing protests in nearby Ferguson, Missouri in the aftermath of the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was also killed by a police office.


The controllers have their smokescreen. Race riots and unrest. The best divide and conquer method ever devised by evil people. So, what’s going on behind the smoke and mirrors?  We will continue to watch the situation and keep you updated. . . EDITOR

Ferguson,_Day_4,_Photo_13 A lootedand burned out gas station Credit Lovesofbread Source  Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: A looted and burned gas station in Ferguson. Credit: LoavesofbreadOwn work. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Wikipedia Report: 2014 Ferguson unrest

THEI EXCLUSIVE Investigation: Sheldon Adelson: why is he so interested in Florida pot regulations?

THEI Exclusive Investigation:

Sheldon Adelson Investigation Part 1

Compiled by Dennis Crenshaw

I had never heard of Sheldon Adelson until the elections of 2014. Then I read an article from the Washington Post [Casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson is behind 85 percent of Florida’s anti-pot campaign].

From the Washington Post Report

The single largest contributor on either side of the fight over Amendment 2, which grants patients with “debilitating diseases” access to medical marijuana, is billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who, new campaign finance filings show, added $1 million to the $4 million he’s already spent in support of the campaign to defeat the measure.

My first thought was that it was a shame that a person with that much obviously going for him would be so uneducated on the subject of marijuana that he would spend so much money to deny treatment of so many people, especially children, of the only medicine that works. Marijuana.  I just excused it with the thought, He is ignorant when it comes to the subject.

And on Wikipedia I found this to be true.

“Adelson who lost a son, Mitchell, to a drug overdose.[36] Mitchell was said to have used cocaine and heroin from an early age.[37] Adelson believes that cannabis is a gateway drug.[38]

He still believes the old unproven statement by the propagandist “Marijuana is a Gateway Drug.” I’m sorry about his son but to blame his death on marijuana is ludicrous. But I can see why, believing false information, he would naturally use some of his fortune to contribute in efforts to stop the move towards legalization across America.

But with that said, surprisingly, I also found out that, while he contributed 85% of the anti-medical marijuana (5 mil) money in Florida he did not spend one dime in the other states with had marijuana measures on the ballot,  Including 3 states for complete legalization.

It seems to me that if the 10th richest man in the united States was donating money because he was a fanatic AGAINST pot laws he would have spent money in these States also. But no, he sunk millions into Florida and not a penny anywhere else in the country where pot legislation was on the ballot. You have to ask yourself, why??

I decided I needed to do a little research to understand why a gambler from Vegas would care so much about the pot laws of Florida yet care nothing about the prohibition laws being overthrown in other States. That seems to me to indicate that the millionaire casino owners main interest is not financing the protection of pot laws across the country. He must have another agenda.

After all 57% of the Florida Voters that voted were for this bill. It isn’t over.  It just means we need to educate 3% more voters to the needs of these extremely sick people before the another election and it’s done. Or the next.  It’s inevitable. Adelson must have realized that. He’s no dummy. People with his savvy don’t spend money without expecting something in return.

So. The question is, “Why did a Vegas casino owner spend 5 million dollars to influence Florida voters in regards to medical marijuana laws and ignore all of the other pot reform laws in the country?”

Maybe it is just his way of fighting the “Killer Weed” – and maybe it’s something else. . . THEI is going to find out and continue to pass the facts along to you in this THEI exclusive series.

Meet the ‘public’  Sheldon Adelson

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Sheldon Gary Adelson (pronounced /ˈædəlsən/; born August 4, 1933) is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and chief executive Sands_Casino_Sign A Las Vegas photographer  Life time1996 - Original publication The early 50s Public Domainofficer of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited which operates The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center. He also owns the Israeli daily newspaper Israel HaYom. Adelson, a lifelong donor and philanthropist to a variety of causes, founded with his wife’s initiative theAdelson Foundation.

“As of July 2014, Adelson was listed by Forbes as having a fortune of $36.4 billion, and as the 10th richest person in the world.[3]


Image: Sands Casino Sign in the early 50’s, Credit: Life/Time 1996 Original publication. Source Wikipedia (Public Domain).

 Continuing with information from Wikipedia;

“In 1988, Adelson and his partners purchased the Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas”

“In 1991 . . .  He razed the Sands and spent $1.5 billion to construct The Venetian, a Venice-themed resort hotel and casino.”

“In August 2007, Adelson opened the $2.4-billion Venetian Macao Resort Hotel on Cotai and announced that he planned to create a massive, concentrated resort area he called the Cotai Strip, after its Las Vegas counterpart.”

“In the late 2000s, Adelson and the company decided to build a casino resort in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It is one of five stand-alone casinos that were awarded a slots license by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board in 2006.”

“Adelson spearheaded a major project to bring the Sands name to Macau, the Chinese gambling city . . . The one-million-square-foot Sands Macao became the People’s Republic of China‘s first Las Vegas-style casino when it opened in May 2004.”

“In May 2006, Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands was awarded a hotly contested license to construct a casino resort in Singapore’s Marina Bay. . . .”

Marina_Bay_Sands_in_the_evening_Someformofhuman Source wikipedia Public Domain

Image: Marina Bay Sands in the evening Credit: Someformofhuman Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)  Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, is the most expensive building in the world.

It would seem to me that Adelson’s real motivating force is to control casino gambling world wide, not rid the world of “Killer Weed“. We shall see…


Next Report: Part 2 ~ Now Meet the ‘Real’ Sheldon Adelson

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November 7, 2014  The Strange Failure of Florida’s Medical Marijuana Initiative

MUST SEE: Why America is a Republic, not a Democracy

 The information in this film should be common knowledge to every American. Unfortunately, through manipulation and misrepresentation of the true meaning of “Republic & Democracy” many do not understand the difference.

Every time I hear a politician say that we are a “Democracy” I cringe. . . our country was designed to be a Republic. . .A country of laws.

 I believe this is one video that you should add to your Face book and pass around to your family and friends. Also, if you would pass it along with this page. It’s a chance to introduce them to also. We sure would appreciate it.  . EDITOR

youtube by The Indicrat

Uploaded on Jan 16, 2012

This is an excerpt from “Overview of America” produced by The John Birch Society. It is narrated by John McManus. At the end is the music video Yankee Doodle (Tea Party Mix) by Dhruva Aliman