The Reclusive Peeping Tom Photographer and his Cardboard Camera
The Reclusive Peeping Tom Photographer and his Cardboard Camera
Featured Image: Mondo Cane poster CREDIT: ©-Copyright 1962 Cineriz. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Fair Use)
Uploaded on Feb 21, 2012
Russia’s Got Talent (Fatal?) Accident:
Two guys get really dizzy and one tries to shoot a can off the others head.
More : http://nowfunnygame.com/
Claim: Video clip shows a Russia’s Got Talent contestant accidentally shooting his partner in the head with an arrow. True or False?
The above story reminds me of
Fall Rerun: Mondo Cane (It’s a Dogs Life) full movie. If you missed this 1962 classic here’s a chance to see it. Better hurry before they take it down again (updated: 9/28/14) . . .EDITOR
At LEGO World 2014 in Copenhagen, the third edition of the CubeStormer robot was unveiled, solving the Rubik’s Cube at a lightning pace.
The LEGO Mindstormes kit bricks are intelligent and programmable, powered by AA batteries. It runs a Linux operating system on an ARM-centered processor. The screen on the blocks is a monochrome LCD. There is an added SD card slot on all Mindstormes to expand the memory capacity and a USB port to add Wi-Fi connectivity.
Editor’s Note: What is basically a child’s toy manipulating a another child’s toy and solving a puzzle that most humans (adults) can’t solve at all. I had a really tough time deciding which category describes this story, Robotics, Distractions, or Sorry to Hear that, the latter category usually being reserved for stories of situations detrimental to society or the loss of a notable person. In this case, all apply, the notable person being the American worker.
As things tend to happen around here, my other half was editing pictures of a grandchild’s birthday party earlier today to post to Facebook. One of the children at the party, a particularly photogenic girl of almost 3, happens to have her own Facebook account and Brenda “tagged her” for the photos of her. Well, in the same photo album on Facebook is another photo that was taken in the early twenties and showing a women and three girls aged about 2, 4, and 6. It was posted by Brenda (my other half) to try to identify some of people in it, possibly relatives since the print was in her mothers photos. Facebook picked up on the youngest child in this nearly century old photo and wanted to tag the account of the current almost 3 year old. And, by golly, there is a bit of a resemblance, at least enough to make the Facebot image system notice it. Then, we realized there is at least an even chance the birthday party girl is related the “old” girl. All of which adds both a haunting feeling for how strong genetics can be and a haunted feeling that Facebook can make that kind of a connection. They aren’t perfect at recognizing faces, though, it also wanted to tag one of the teenagers as the fuel oil tank. So another category is being added, Serendipistickity, where somebody drew a good conclusion based on really bad science..
At the same time, a PBS documentary was running in the background about the The New York shirtwaist strike of 1909 also known as “The Uprising of the 20,000”. Workers, mostly Jewish women, led by Clara Lemlich and supported by the National Women’s Trade Union League of America (NWTUL), the strike began in November 1909. In February 1910, the NWTUL settled with the factory owners, gaining improved wages, working conditions, and hours. The end of the strike was followed only a year later by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, which exposed the plight of immigrant women working in dangerous and difficult conditions. Hence, now that ecen toy robots can solve complex movement tasks at lightning speed, garment workers can begin their traing as robot maintenance personnel, and a few will even still work. Watch the video and tell me this thing can’t be taught to make shirts 24/7.
Featured Image: Santa Claus Background CREDIT: Petr Kratochvi SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain)
Like the man said, you can’t make this stuff up. . . EDITOR
SEE IT: Men in Santa costumes, possibly part of SantaCon, fight near Union Square
It was a brou-Ho-Ho.
A group of men wearing Santa suits got into a brawl near Union Square that was caught on video Saturday night, cops said. . . Read Complete Report with photos.
From youtube uploaded by Chris Lau
Santapocolypse NYC 2013
Published on Dec 14, 2013
Uploaded on the holiest of holidays, Santacon 2013.
Featured Image: Photograph of an alleged Skunk Ape. Taken by David Shealy in Florida’s Big Cypress Swamp. SOURCE: The Shadowlands
From News 9 ROGERS COUNTY, Oklahoma Posted: Nov 03, 2013 11:10 AM ESTUpdated: Nov 03, 2013 10:58 PM EST
Rogers County Sheriff’s Department arrested three people in what appears to be an accidental shooting. One of the men told deputies he’d shot his friend while the two were on a Sasquatch hunting expedition. . . .
Read Complete Report
News9.com – Oklahoma City, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports |
Dig a Little Deeper ~THEI Archive “Sasquatch”
From youtube uploaded by The Young Turks
Published on Apr 26, 2013
Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/anakasparian) and Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) discuss a mysterious story about a man in Fairfax County Virginia who was hired by the “CIA” and paid $25,000 to rob banks. The massive scheme including Target, hacking and a sugar daddy is laid out and discussed by The Young Turks.
Read more: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/…
Featured image: Marijuana bud. CREDIT: Cannabis Training University. SOURCE:Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).
From The Blaze Sep. 1, 2013 4:43pm Dave Urbanski
Story by the Associated Press; curated by Dave Urbansk
BERNE, N.Y. (AP) — A backyard marijuana grower is dead after being nearly decapitated by wire he’d strung on his property to protect his crop from intruders.
The 50-year-old man was driving an all-terrain vehicle in his backyard Saturday afternoon when he ran into the heavy-gauge but nearly invisible wire, said Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple. . . Read Complete Report/w Video.
Featured Image: USS Nautilus (SSN-571), the first nuclear-powered submarine. CREDIT: US NAVY SWOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain).
From CNN News By Emily Smith, CNN updated 7:18 AM EDT, Fri August 9, 2013
(CNN) — Casey James Fury simply didn’t want to be at work, and in the process cost the Navy nearly a half-billion dollars and one attack submarine.
Fury admitted to setting fire to the USS Miami, a nuclear sub, in May 2012 while it was in dry dock. He was sentenced to 17 years in federal prison in March and ordered to pay $400 million in restitution — roughly the cost of the damage.. . . Read Complete Report
Featured photo: Benidorm Twin-Towers. 47 story high-rise In Tempo, Spain. Designers forgot to include an elevator. SOURCE: youtube.
From The Blaze By Mike Opelka Aug. 9, 2013 9:32am
At 47 stories, the In Tempo skyscraper in Spain is set to be the tallest residential building in the European Union.
But anyone living on floors 21 through 47 has a problem: to get any higher than the 20th floor, you have to take the stairs. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by Javier Rullan Ruano
Benidorm Twin Towers HD
Published on Apr 16, 2012
The highest residential building in Europe (200m)
Video of the construction of the tallest residential building in Europe to be called Intempo (200 m)
Featured Image:Obama Hawaii. LOL. SOURCE: knowyourmeme.com
LOL. This reminds me of when I was 17. A friend had lent me his ID (No pictures in those days) so I could go out drinking with my buds. I spent a whole day learning my new “birth date”, then when I was carded at the door and the bouncer asked me the date of my birth I gave him my real birthday and changed only the year. Needless to say I didn’t do any partying at that bar that night. My point? Nobody forgets their real birth date. But then again, maybe Obama just didn’t have his current birth date at that time on his teleprompter. Or maybe it was just short turm memory loss due to all the weed he smoked. . . EDITOR