Thanks Ed. An important addition to anyones library and a gift We here at THEI appreacate. I hope all of our Insiders take advantage of this offer for important knowledge at a price anyone can afford in the present economy. Ed Komarek you are a patriot. . . . EDITOR
Ed Komarek posted in Support TheAntiTerrorist!! Join The New World Order Resistance Movement.
Ed Komarek | 6:19pm Mar 21 |
The disclosure book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder will be free on Kindle today Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22. It’s been about three months since I made the Kindle version free so I hope folks will share this so it will be available to as many people as possible. I figure some people new to Facebook groups may not have heard about or read the book. I will be on the Rita Louise show Paranormal Metaphysical Alternative Talk Radio 9-10 pm est March 21 to talk about the book. http://www.amazon.com/UFOs- Exopolitics-New-World- Disorder/dp/1470077825/ref=sr_ 1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362958126&sr= 8-1&keywords=ufos+exopolitics+ and+the+new+world+disorder
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