From godfathers Politics by Mark Horne 4/15/13
Nixon famously insisted that whatever the President does is legal, by definition. Nixon learned otherwise, but only because the media-government complex ousted him from office. Now with media liberal superstar Obama, all bets are off. As John Glaser writes,
“In case you’ve been asleep for the whole of Barack Obama’s first term, here’s one fundamental doctrine that has proven itself to guide his administration: if the President does it, it’s not illegal.” . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by vlogbrothers
Understand the Sequester (Spoiler: It’s Bananas.)
Published on Mar 12, 2013
In which John explains how the United States arrived at Sequestration, while also describing what exactly the Sequester is. Along the way, he explores deficits and debts and other matters of governmental budgets. It’s bananas.
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