Team Arpaio: NSA Keeping Obama ID Fraud At Bay; Everything Is A Facade (Video Report) (+) UPDATE: 7/17/13

ATTENTION OBAMA-BOT ZOMBIES:: I notice you guys are spending a lot of time writing your opinions on any site that reports the news on the Obama Fake Birth certificate. I just had a wild idea!

Why don’t you spend your time and energy DEMANDING that your congressman or congresswoman conduct a Congressional Hearing on the birther’s claims about the issue. That would settle the issue once and for all. And you could then conduct your energies elsewhere to help your cult leader. I mean, lets face it, Obama really needs you argumentative abilities in other area’s, FBI, NSA, FED, the list goes on and on. 

Of course if you are afraid on the outcome of a congressional investigation into just who “Mister Bones” REALLY is, well. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by BirtherReportDotCom

Team Arpaio: NSA Keeping Obama ID Fraud At Bay; Everything Is A Facade

Published on Jul 15, 2013

LINKS: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Investigator: NSA Keeping Obama ID Fraud At Bay; Everything Is A Façade – – – FULL INTERVIEW:http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp…

From youtube uploaded by ppsimmons

LATEST! July 17 – ZULLO calls Obama BC “Weapon of Mass Deception” Closer to Congress!

Published on Jul 17, 2013

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