Featured Map: Military situation in Syria (as of 28 April 2013). Pink: Controlled by Syrian government. Yellow: Controlled by Kurdish forces. Green: Controlled by opposition. MAP CREDIT: User:NordNordWest File:2011 Libyan Civil War.png: User:Spesh531. derivative work: —Spesh531. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.)
From Intellihub.com By JG Vibes August 30, 2013
Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention.
“The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments. Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.” . . .
. . . ”
“By pointing out that the mainstream media is orchestrating their entire coverage of this incident, we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence inSyria right now. However, we are showing that the mainstream media version of events is scripted and staged propaganda.
“The following video shows him contradicting himself while off air, and even asking crew members to “get the gunfire sounds ready” for his video conference with Anderson Cooper on CNN.” . . . Read Complete Report with more video
From youtube uploaded by SyriansWorldwide
Truth About Danny Abdul-Dayem
Published on Mar 1, 2012
Rafik Lutif’s first segment exposing the lies of the media surrounding the Syrian crisis.
Fully translated in English showing you behind the scene clips of Danny Abdul Dayem, the Zionist.
No war, no shelling, nothing…
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