We know what Bill Clinton was doing in the White House, just ask Monica Lewinsky. But what does Obama do… watch TV and play golf? He certainly does not seem to read his advisers memo’s or listen to their briefings. He says he gets his info the same place as us…. the controlled media. . .EDITOR
youtube by Mass Tea Party Published on Mar 8, 2015
‘News’ To Me! – POTUS: Learned Of It ‘Through News Reports’
Jay Carney: Obama Learned About VA Scandal in the News
White House press secretary Jay Carney tells reporters that President Obama first learned about the VA hospital scandal from news reports. Jay Carney: Obama Learned About VA Scandal in the News
Obama said he didn’t find out about IRS scandal until Friday; WH counsel knew about it back in April.
Was President Obama caught in an outright lie today? at his press conference today, President Obama said he just learned about the scandal on Friday: Well, let me take the IRS situation first. I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday. And this is pretty straightforward.
However, the White House counsel’s office was informed in April of an inspector general’s review of the Internal Revenue Service according to Jay Carney.
Carney told reporters that the counsel’s office was told about IRS targeting conservatives during the week of April 22, but was not given details about the review’s findings. President Obama, Carney said, was not told about the review and learned of it only after news reports emerged Friday, just what Obama said earlier Monday.
“We have never — we don’t have access to, nor should we, the IG’s report or any draft versions of it,” Carney said.
So why would the WH counsel be informed about the investigation but not Obama?
So Obama gets his information,unlike other presidents, from the mainstream media. Would he lie?
youtube by Scott Wilhelmsen Published on Sept 11, 2012
“Words Matter” Obama Lies Documented (in his own words)
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Obama”
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