Taken for a Ride – The U.S. History of the Assault on Public Transport in the Last Century
G.M. “NCL” Anti Streetcar Conspiracy: ITS FACT- WCBS-TV 60 MINUTES, Dec. 6 1987
FOLLOW UP VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3b5h…
In this show, Bill Dixon, the actual circa 1947 federal prosecutor in the court case against NCL/G.M./Standard/Firestone states the FACTS. Turns out researcher Bradford Snell’s “theory” about G.M. and its “NCL” conspiring to destroy the U.S. streetcar system was 100% TOTALLY RIGHT. In fact, NCL’s very first “victim” was Manhattan’s New York Railways. As went NYC, so went the entire nation. Watch Snell’s “Taken For A Ride” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-I8G…
Back in 1987, the legendary investigative reporting TV show 60 MINUTES looked into the GM, Standard Oil, Firestone Tires “NCL” conspiracy to destroy the U.S. streetcar system.
More of our videos can be seen at: http://brooklynrail.net/streaming_vid…
A Streetcar Named Conspire
Was Alfred Sloan, who molded modern General Motors, the man who destroyed most of North America’s streetcars? Watch, then decide.
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