Will it work? Probably not . . . but we will be watching this story closely, just-in-case. . . . EDITOR
from Occupy Corporatism
Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism April 17, 2012 As of last week, accroding to David Wilcock liens were filed on all 12 Federal Reserve banks. A “cease and desist” order has also been filed against the bank’s daily business activities. This is an action to prevent the global Elite from stealing any more of the American public’s wealth.Thousands of members of the financial sector, media, all branches of the military, corporations and nearly all levels of the government (domestic and international) are about to be arrested for crimes committed against humanity.
The world’s financial system has been high-jacked by a central banking cartel working for the global Elite. The mainstream media are owned by only 5 multi-national corporations that control the flow of information to the general public. All branches of the government (here in the US and in all the G5 controlled countries) are being manipulated by these Elites.
The arrests that will take place will be carried out by US Marshalls in conjunction with local law enforcement. The military will be available and on stand-by to assist if needed. Their legal right to arrest the global Elite comes from the provision in our US Constitution that gives all citizens the right to remove their government if it has become corrupt.
Some of the CEOs of major banks worldwide have resigned in an effort to by-pass the arrests that are coming. Those resignations will not secure them safety from their crimes. A comprehensive list of recent resignations are here .
During the 72 hours while the arrests are occurring, some disruptions can be expected. . . Read Complete Report
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