Hollow Orbs is a great information site having to do with the possibility of Hollow Planets and maintained by my good friend Dean Dominic De Lucia. It is the information area of his great Hollow Earth yahoo group, Hollow Planets. Check it out and join us in lively discussion and the sharing of information on the subject and related subjects. . . . EDITOR
From Underground Abductions: Whereto?
“On page 175 of Alien Identities, Dr. Richard L Thompson ( ) relates an underground abduction case where the underground base was accessed through the sea by UFO:
“ On the evening of January 3, 1979, Cardenas, his friend Fernando Marti, and Marti’s wife and 13 year old daughter were driving around on the outskirts of Hialeah, looking for a pig they could buy for a roast. They were unsuccessful, and on the way home their car engine quit.
“The two men testified that the lights and starter wouldn’t work, and so they got out and began to look under the hood. At this point, they suddenly saw red and violet alternating lights reflecting off the engine and heard a sound like ‘many bees.’ … Filiberto felt paralyzed, and he began to rise in the air shouting “ Don’t take me, don’t take me.” Later he recounted a strange and elaborate story that began when he awoke to find himself sitting, paralyzed, in the presence of a robot-like being and two men in tight-fitting suits. … Filiberto said the alien beings looked quite human. They had elongated eyes with eyelashes, small flattened noses, long lipless mouths, and light beards. They also wore a symbol on the right of their chests, consisting of a serpent on a lazy X.
“The story becomes even more extraordinary: The beings proceeded to take Filiberto to an underground base, traveling beneath the sea at high speed through a tunnel of “ firmed water “ that seemed to open in front of the craft so that water did not touch it. At the base, he met a human who was working with the aliens, and he was led through what seemed like a city.”
“Dr. Thompson goes on to relate that Filiberto had several experiences while in this underground base accessed through the sea, some of them biological, some of them suggestive of mind control, . . Read complete report
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