We have been reporting on the establishment of so-called FEMA camps across the nation for years. Of course the “doubting Thomas'” have ignored the information and refuse to believe that “their government” would have a contingently plan of detaining American citizens without trial for “political crimes.” Recent Executive orders, however, seem to be setting the groundwork for just such a plan.
Well, the U.S. Army screwed up and accidentally released into the public domain Manual #FM 3-39.40, the U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps. Here is the complete document. . . . Editor
Internment and Resettlement Operations: The Army Manual (Complete PDF)
Photo: FEMA Camp Locations in the United states SOURCE info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf
Photo: Appendix J A drawing of a portion of the “Internment Camp” from the official Government Document FM 3-39.40.
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