Photo: The view inside a tunnel discovered last November between Tijuana and San Diego. — John Gibbins SOURCE
from UT San Diego News
Written by
Sandra Dibble
8:11 p.m., June 5, 2012
President Obama on Tuesday signed a bill that imposes stiffer penalties for the construction of illicit cross-border tunnels.
The signing of the Border Tunnel Prevention Act of 2012, “is one more step in the Obama Administration’s efforts to strengthen our nation’s border security to deter and prevent smuggling, trafficking, and illegal immigration, while safeguarding and encouraging the efficient flow of lawful trade, travel and immigration,” read a White House statement.
U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, authored the bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives on May 16 with broad bi-partisan support . Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California, co-sponsored the senate bill.
“I’ve seen border-tunnels first-hand in San Diego,” Feinstein said last month, according to a statement from her office. “They are much more than simple holes in the ground. Some of them have elevators, electric rail tracks, even a hydraulically controlled steel door.” . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Massive drug tunnel found between Mexico and US
Uploaded by telegraphtv on Dec 1, 2011
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