from Common Dreams
Published on Friday, June 22, 2012 by Common Dreams
A new status code to reflect internet censorship could be named after Ray Bradbury’s most famous novel, Fahrenheit 451
– Common Dreams staff
Author Ray Bradbury died in Los Angeles on June 5, 2012, at the age of 91.
Bradbury is best known for his his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953. An indictment of authoritarianism, Fahrenheit 451 portrays a book-burning America of the near future, its central character a so-called fireman, whose job is to light the bonfires. (Fahrenheit 451refers to the temperature at which paper ignites.)Now a tribute to Bradbury has been proposed to let internet users know when a government is blocking access to a website.
We’ve all seen “404 Not Found”, “403 Forbidden” or “500 Internal Server Error” error messages, but the Internet has no message when content has been intentionally removed — for legal reasons or censorship. . . . Read Complete Report
Discussion of Fahrenheit 451 with Ray Bradbury
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