Photo: A group of US researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a biologically accurate manner. (Credit: Image courtesy of Institute of Physics (IOP)) SOURCE Science Daily
We continue to add to our research archives, Robotics presenting the robot geeks working towards a perfect robot.
My research indicates that after the elitists Controllers finds their own safe habitat (underground, back side of the moon or deep in space, or what ever) and they set in motion their planned “population control” they want service robots to replace humans to work for them. They have learned that “humankind as servants doesn’t work so well… they want to eat,be paid, cause problems outside the Bilderburg meetings etc..
My research indicates they see the answer “to that human problem” is robots… 24 hrs work, no complaints. no breaks and they don’t smoke that ant-establishment marijuana. . . . EDITOR
from Science Daily
Most Accurate Robotic Legs Mimic Human Walking Gait
ScienceDaily (July 6, 2012) — A group of US researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a biologically accurate manner.
The neural architecture, musculoskeletal architecture and sensory feedback pathways in humans have been simplified and built into the robot, giving it a remarkably human-like walking gait . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Published on Jul 6, 2012 by InstituteofPhysics
A group of US researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a biologically accurate manner.
from Science Daily
Robot Vision: Muscle-Like Action Allows Camera to Mimic Eye Movement
ScienceDaily (July 5, 2012) — Using piezoelectric materials, researchers have replicated the muscle motion of the human eye to control camera systems in a way designed to improve the operation of robots. This new muscle-like action could help make robotic tools safer and more effective for MRI-guided surgery and robotic rehabilitation.
Key to the new control system is a piezoelectric cellular actuator that uses a novel biologically inspired technology that will allow a robot eye to move more like a real eye. This will be useful for research studies on human eye movement as well as making video feeds from robots more intuitive. . . . Read Complete Report
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