Photo: Works Progress Administration: unemployed shown at volunteers of America Soup Kitchen in Washington, D.C., 1936. SOURCE: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Bet you don’t hear much about this story from the Liberal, Obama Worshiping main stream media unless we all raise hell about this type of underhanded play to the point where they will be forced to report on it. How much more are Americans willing to take? And WHO will pay in the end? The Taxpayer who else. Send a message to the Controllers. Vote Libertarian. Vote for Gary Johnson for Prez 2012 . . EDITOR
from Hot Air
“The White House moved to prevent defense and other government contractors from issuing mass layoff notices in anticipation of sequestration, even going so far to say that the contracting agencies would cover any potential litigation costs or employee compensation costs that could follow.
“Some defense companies—including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and EADS North America—have said they expect to send notices to their employees 60 days before sequestration takes effect to comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, which requires companies to give advance warning to workers deemed reasonably likely to lose their jobs. . . .”
“So the Office of Management and Budget went a step further in guidance issued late Friday afternoon. If an agency terminates or modifies a contract, and the contractor must close a plant or lay off workers en masse, the company could treat employee compensation costs for WARN Act liability, attorneys’ fees and other litigation costs as allowable costs to be covered by the contracting agency—so long as the contractor has followed a course of action consistent with the Labor Department’s guidance. The legal fees would be covered regardless of the outcome of the litigation, according to the OMB guidance issued by Daniel Werfel, controller of the Office of Federal Financial Management, and Joseph Jordan, the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy.” [i.e WE the Taxpayers will cover the cost] . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Inhofe: Obama Leaning on Industry to Delay Sequestration Pink Slips
Published on Jul 18, 2012 by JimInhofePressOffice
Senator Inhofe discusses the pending defense cuts under sequestration and the drastic number of jobs that will be lost as a result.
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