Don’t vote for the continuation of the same – Don’t wast your one vote on Tweedledee or Tweedledum. Vote for Gary Johnson the Libertarian Presidential Candidate.
Send the controllers a message, you do not want the country to continue in the direction it is going. Vote Libertarian!. . . EDITOR
from Veterans Today
Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 | Posted by Kevin Barrett
Back in July, the Los Angeles Times – not VT, Infowars or Truth Jihad Radio – broke the story that Mitt Romney is a drug money launderer.
How did we all miss this story? (Until John Hankey and then Gordon Duff picked it up
Maybe it’s because the Times story never comes right out and says “drug money laundering.”
It doesn’t have to.
What the Times article does say translates directly and unambiguously as DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING, in caps, exclamation point. According to the Los Angeles Times, Romney’s company, Bain Capital, “paid out a stunning 173% in average annual returns over a decade.” . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
Romney Exposed
Published on Oct 15, 2012
Romney’s secrecy in business is detailed, and revealed; as well as his role as a drug money launderer for GHW Bush; his connection, through Bush, to CIA death squads in Central America; his role in 9-11; in the murder of US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens; and the significance of his endorsement of and by Cheney. . . . Text published with the video on youtube
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