Photo: Artist concept of interplanetary internet. (Credit: NASA/JPL) (Public Domain)
from Science Daily
ScienceDaily (Nov. 8, 2012) — NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully have used an experimental version of interplanetary Internet to control an educational rover from the International Space Station. The experiment used NASA’s Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol to transmit messages and demonstrate technology that one day may enable Internet-like communications with space vehicles and support habitats or infrastructure on another planet.
Space station Expedition 33 commander Sunita Williams in late October used a NASA-developed laptop to remotely drive a small LEGO robot at the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany. The European-led experiment used NASA’s DTN to simulate a scenario in which an astronaut in a vehicle orbiting a planetary body controls a robotic rover on the planet’s surface.. . . Read Complete Report
from youtube
NASA Tests First Deep Space Internet (DTN) – Video File (AVC-2008-222)
Uploaded on Jan 4, 2010
Testing and explanation of the “Interplanetary Internet.” B-roll of engineers testing Delay-Tolerant Networking on 10/20/08. Interview: Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist, Goggle, Inc.
Animations: Comparison of Earth internet with Interplanetary Internet & Overview of Interp. Int.
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