from Gold Seek
— Posted Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Getting it good and hard
The elections being over, I shall not unduly comment on the reelection of the horrid Obama, or the un-professional, traitorous hacks of the leftist media that kept his many scandals, incompetence and disgraceful lies out of the news, or about the trusting, gullible, ignorant, greedy and stupid people who elected him, except to quote the immortal Thomas Jefferson, who said “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”
But it was H.L. Mencken who said it best, as far as I am concerned, when he quipped “People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard,” which naturally brings to mind all those times in life when one has, indeed, gotten it “good and hard,” dredging up, as it does, painful memories, usually replete with scars, either physical or mental, often both, and with a deep, dark, dangerous desire for some kind of vicious, bloodthirsty revenge on some worthless bastard who deserves it “good and hard.” . . . Read Complete Report
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