Featured Image: Marijuana Plant. CREDIT:Cannabis Training University. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public-Domain)
From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M on Jan 4, 2014
Featured Image: Marijuana Plant. CREDIT:Cannabis Training University. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public-Domain)
From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M on Jan 4, 2014
As we can see it’s easy to trace the CIA’s involvement in feeding dis-imformation, mis-information to the mainstream media back through history. Unfortunately, this is something that has gone on forever. Our era is far from unique. . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by WeAreONEbigFamily
Published on Oct 23, 2013
Just as 20stCenturyFox also assisted during WW2 making Nazi Propaganda to indoctrinate the German people with lies.
Comment with video:
The CIA is a creation of Vatican Inc. and is the leading organization operating the functions of the US. Government and mainstream America. Subservient to that is the CFR,Trilateral Commission, the UN, and the FED BANK. NSA, NASA and the list goes on! The presidency of the U.S. is a Puppet Show. Most of all of members of Congress knows this.
Featured image: Obama signs bill authorizing 30000 drones over america SOURCE: Unknown (Fair use).
From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica
Published on Jun 19, 2013
Outgoing FBI Director Robert Muller made history at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today. For the first time ever, an FBI official has gone on the record to acknowledge the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in American airspace for surveillance. . . . Part of intro uploaded with the video.
From News Max
Saturday, 30 Mar 2013 11:00 PM
By Greg Richter
The Economist has been fairly consistent in its stand that carbon dioxide emissions from man-made sources are the chief cause of global warming. But in an editorial this week, it sounds less certain.
Global warming predictions haven’t panned out as predicted in the past decade, but the why is a bit fuzzy, the magazine admits.
Greenhouse gas emissions have soared during the past 15 years, the magazine notes, with 100 billion tons of carbon having been added to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. Still, both air and ground temperatures during that time have remained virtually unchanged. . . . Read Complete Report
from Godfather Politics
by Gary DeMar
“Governments have been in the brainwashing business for decades. The majority of parents send their children to government schools. What do they think their children are going to learn besides reading, writing, and arithmetic (if they even learn these)? They’re going to learn how to learn to love the State. . . .”
In 1995, Eric Holder said the following to theWomen’s National Democratic Club:
“One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.” . . . Read Complete Report