from guardian.co.uk
Archaeologists reveal a new way of viewing Stonehenge using Google Earth software
Monday, February 13, 2012 2:15
Millions of people have used Google Earth’s geo-modelling software to take a tour of the moon, Mars, foreign countries, or – let’s be honest – to compare their homes with those of their neighbours. But now a new project developed by Bournemouth University academics is giving surfers access to a virtual prehistoric landscape: Stonehenge.
The World Heritage site near Salisbury is now more accessible than ever, archaeologists claim, thanks to Google’s Under-the-Earth: Seeing Beneath Stonehenge project. Their last few years of findings, combined with the search giant’s technology, allows surfers to visit the Neolithic village of Durrington Walls, to scout around prehistoric houses, to see reconstructions of Bluestonehenge at the end of the Stonehenge Avenue and to explore the great timber monument called the Southern Circle. The sites look as they would have appeared more than 4,000 years ago – and all from the comfort of your desk. . . . Read Complete Report
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