Tag Archive for Iraqi

Origins of ISIS – Special Coverage

Featured Image: Flag of Islamic State of Iraq. (ISIS) Source: Wikipedia (Public Domain)

youtube by RT America

Published on Mar 5, 2015

In a special report, RT America examines the origins, power and expansion of the terrorist group known as the Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS). RT’s Ben Swann delves into the roots of the organization while Ameera David explains how the group amasses the millions of dollars it requires to operate. Finally, Manuel Rapalo explores how the Iraqi army fell apart despite benefiting from billions of dollars of US money – and military hardware – meant to ensure security.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Isis”

BREAKING NEWS: New Evidence Pentagon link to Iraqi Torture Centres? (Full Video Report)

from  via youtube uploaded by OccupyNWO Mar 7, 2013