How not to become a statistic in our nation’s enormous, expensive war on marijuana.
Each year, close to a million Americans are arrested for possessing marijuana, and many millions more are targeted and searched by police on suspicion of being a marijuana user. It’s an incredible waste of limited law enforcement resources, and the experience of being harassed, arrested, and slapped with a criminal record isn’t exactly getting rave reviews from anyone either. Heck, even cops are getting sick of this idiocy.
I’ve spent several years teaching the public how to deal with police. I’ve heard more than my share of horror stories from people who froze up when confronted by the cops and soon found themselves in the back of a squad car. When that happens, chances are it wasn’t because they hurt someone, but rather, because they possessed a small amount of marijuana.
Now that half the nation is in favor of legalizing marijuana, there is hope that we’ll soon see a day when none of us are placed in handcuffs for having a little pot in our pockets. But until then, those who use marijuana –- whether to treat an illness, or simply as part of a healthy lifestyle –- should have a plan prepared just in case they find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The following tips are designed to help responsible adults avoid becoming statistics in our nation’s enormous, expensive and embarrassing war on marijuana. . . . Read Complete Article
Much is said about the failed “War on Drugs” as a program that MUST continue no matter the cost, I’m afraid I have to disagree. The present drug policy is idiocy at work. . . or not at work.
The first step would be to separate REAL drugs from light drugs. instead of spending so much on Marijuana control, a substance that every study since the 1800s has found not to be the danger that, starting with Nixon, has gotten so much bad press.
It seems to me that being truthful about the lack of dangers of herb would make the job of controlling crack, coke, heron etc. a lot easier and a lot less costlier if the powers that be would stop using lies and propaganda to lump the hemp plant in with their manufactured dangerous drugs. Every study of the plant its leaves and stems, has found little or no medical, psychological, or “dependance” associated with the herb. Lets face it, the only reason pot is illegal is because it would put a big dent in the Controllers pocket book and Richard Nixon’s total paranoia about anything he could not understand. . . which, as history has show wasn’t much. With that said, I have decided to add this new category to our growing list of Departments. . . Editor
Boston — A proposed ballot question that would legalize the medicinal use of marijuana in Massachusetts is being bankrolled almost entirely by an Ohio billionaire who has backed similar efforts in other states.
According to state campaign finance reports, Peter Lewis, chairman of the board of the auto insurer Progressive Corp. contributed $525,000 to the Committee for Compassionate Medicine, which is supporting the question . . . Read complete report
USA — The drive to legalize marijuana has long been a fringe cause, associated with hard-core libertarians and college-age stoners. But it could go mainstream in a big way in this November’s election, when Washington could become the first state to legalize recreational pot use. If it does — or if voters in any of several other states do — this year could be a turning point in the nation’s treatment of marijuana. . . Read Complete Report
From youtube
Marijuana Good For You? JAMA Study on Pot
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared lung function of marijuana smokers, tobacco smokers and nonsmokers. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss the surprising results on The Young Turks.
Marijuana compared to alcohol: Marijuana consumers smoke “to get high” while “a person drinks to have fun. . . . “At least with liquor I don’t lose motivation.” . . . Richard Nixon
Nixon Tapes Reveal Twisted Roots Of Marijuana Prohibition
White House Conversations Reveal Prejudices, Culture War Behind Nixon’s Drug War
The Former Governor Delivered An Honest, Thorough Report. The President Wanted Something Different.
Washington, DC: “We need, and I use the word ‘all out war,’ or all fronts . . . .” That was Richard Nixon’s reaction to his national commission’s recommendation that marijuana no longer be a criminal offense, according to Nixon’s Oval Office tapes. The year after Nixon’s “all out war” marijuana arrests jumped by over 100,000 people.
WAKE UP AMERICA, we need a drug policy that works. The following report from “Common Sense for Drug Policy” is a start. Link to National Drug Control Strategy 1999.