Tag Archive for presidential elections

February 20th – Veterans For Ron Paul To March On The White House! (w/video)

from Daily Paul

Submitted by Zak Carter on Sun, 01/22/2012 – 07:46

On President’s Day, February 20th, 2012, the founders of Veterans for Ron Paul 2012, Nathan Cox and Adam Kokesh, will lead a formation of veterans and active duty troops who support Ron Paul‘s candidacy for President of the United States from the Washington Monument to the White House. Upon arrival at the White House, they will do an about face and render a hand salute to a folded American flag surrounded by family members of military personnel and veterans. They will hold the salute for as many seconds as troops have died under the Presidency of Barrack Obama. . . Read Complete report

from youtube

The Ron Paul FIX is in: a SGT micro-doc (video)

Election “Fixing”

I first realized the possibility that the U.S. Presidency was no longer in the hands of the people when Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon was re-elected. Here’s a man who was obvious up to his jowls in Watergate, dirty politics, whispered connections to the mob and yet he wins by a majority? come on!

Once I read “VoteScam”, the story of the Collins brothers in southern Florida, I was sure of it: National elections are being “fixed”.   Have all the presidential elections since Nixon been “fixed”? I don’t think so, but probably. But it seems that In most of the elections they can convince the people to do their bidding through their media outlets and such, i.e the election of Obama..

I believe that the present election is without doubt the most important in my lifetime.  It’s one man with the knowledge and ability to turn our country in the right direction against the Controllers Contenders.  That man is Ron Paul.  Knowing the history of past elections I firmly believe that the elections will be fixed against Ron Paul. . . . EDITOR

from SGT

First Step?

Ron Paul Media Blackout

from AOL